Tinnitus Spikes When I Bite My Molars

Discussion in 'Dr. Stephen Nagler (MD)' started by Ricky81, Dec 19, 2014.

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    1. Ricky81

      Ricky81 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 14, 2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Assault/Contusion/Ear Infection
      Hi Dr. Nagler,

      So I just noticed this week that when I intentionally bite my left or right Molars my T spikes in my Left ear only.
      All this mess happened after I was assaulted 6 months ago, however T began in both ears 50 days after the assault.

      My teeth or jaw does not hurt anymore but do you think I should see a TMJ specialist? Will it resolve the T?
      I'm curious why T spikes only when I bite my Molars, maybe its pushing some nerve thus causing T to spike?
      Again, I don't plan to keep on intentionally biting my molars so I'm not sure if seeing a TMJ is worth it.
      My dentist had taken basic X-Rays of my teeth after I was assaulted and she could not see any problems.

      Below are all the details, MRI, Lumbar puncture etc.. that we have discussed in some previous threads.

      Thanks so much!
      I'm not sure how I got T in both ears, but its louder in my left ear.
      I was assaulted all over my head and jaw by 2 guys and I was hit especially on both ears thus causing some kind of ear Infection. My ENT doc gave me Ciprodex.
      On Day 50 since the Assault I developed T. Why did it take 50 days since the assault for T to develop? I dunno, usually trauma related T happens within 2 weeks but I'm sure my T is indirectly related to the assault, perhaps the ear infection caused T? I had no broken bones, luckily.
      Anyways my ENT doc ordered a Brain and Ear MRI and they found INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE because 1 guy was on top of me bashing my head. I'm lucky to be alive today due to bystanders stopping the assault. So I had to get a Lumbar Puncture on Nov 26th to bring the CSF fluid pressure down from 33 to 13.5. See details below.
      My T has lowered since getting the Lumbar Puncture and my head feels so much better as the pressure is gone. My Neuro doc has placed me on DIAMOX medications to keep Intracranial Pressure low.
      So this is my 6th month with T and I'm thinking I have to live with T for the rest of my life???
      Anyone else have experience with Head injury or ear infection related T? My T has improved a lot since the first few months and even more since getting the Lumbar Puncture so I think there is hope it will go away completely. I sleep on my own without any meds too. A good nite sleep is a must for T sufferers.
      There is bilateral distention of the optic nerve sheaths, with
      flattening of the posterior globes and bulging of the optic nerve
      heads, suggestive of papilledema and elevated intracranial pressure.
      There is also an expanded, partially empty sella. Meckel's caves
      appear slightly prominent.
      Brain parenchyma appears normal. No mass lesion, abnormal
      enhancement, infarction or hemorrhage is identified.
      Ventricles are normal in size.
      Paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells appear clear.
      Posterior Fossa:
      Brainstem and cerebellum appear unremarkable. No cerebello-pontine
      angle cistern mass.
      A vascular loop of the right anterior inferior cerebellar artery
      slightly enters the right porous acusticus.
      A vascular loop of the left superior cerebellar artery abuts the
      medial cisternal segment of the left trigeminal nerve near the root
      entry zone.
      Temporal Bones:
      Seventh and eighth nerve complexes appear unremarkable, without
      evidence of mass. Otic capsule structures appear normal in signal.
      Mastoid signal within normal limits. No other temporal bone signal
      abnormality is identified.
      Lumbar Puncture:
      Opening pressure was 33 cm H2O. 19 ml of clear colorless cerebrospinal fluid was removed and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Closing pressure was 13.5 cm H2O.
      The needle was then removed and a bandage applied to the site.
      The patient tolerated the procedure well without any immediate complications.

      Previous threads:
    2. Dr. Nagler

      Dr. Nagler Member Clinician Benefactor

      Atlanta, Georgia USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi @Ricky81 -

      Doesn't sound to me like your tinnitus is related to a TMJ problem. I have a difficult time ascribing tinnitus (or any aspect of tinnitus) to a TMJ problem in the absence of other compelling TMJ symptoms (i.e., TMJ symptoms that have nothing to do with tinnitus.) And even when there are other TMJ symptoms, correcting the TMJ problem rarely improves the tinnitus. Why? Well, just because a person has TMJ dysfunction and tinnitus, that does not mean the two are in any way related.

      Dr. Stephen Nagler

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