
My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]
For 1. I don't have an idea, i.e. I have not looked deep into LLLT (basically, not much improvements for tinnitus, so I'm not that interested as my hearing is fine up to 8kHz (0 and 10 across all frequencies up to 8kHz).

For 2. You can look into 384.pdf

Images and conclusion of section 2. Morphologic Regeneration after UCB-MSC Transplantation (Regeneration of SGNs after UCB-MSCs transplantation. (A) Severe loss of SGNs from the basal to the apical turn of the cochlea was observed in the SNHL group. (B) Five weeks after transplantation of UCBMSCs, SGNs were regenerated in all the turns of the cochleae).

As far as I understood, that means if tinnitus is symptom of degradation of spiral (cochlear) ganglion, UCB-MSC Transplantation should regenerate it along with regeneration of OHCs.

Guinea pigs received 10.000.000 UCB-MSCs. In stemcells21 they offer 30M, 60M and 100M of UCB-MSCs per one therapy (divided in n days depending on number of stem cells ...). ATEOS received 20M UCB-MSC in Bangkok, so I guess that regenerated some of his SGNs / OHCs / hair cells - thus tinnitus was 35-50% reduced and some hearing was gained.