
Please Bear with Me with This Post...
Stay strong @Nicola8478. I want you to do me a favour. In three years time, on this very day, I want you to come back here and say how you feel all over again. In the meantime, start building your life back brick by brick. Do new things like I said before, and ignore the sound in your head even if it is driving you to absolute despair; ignore it. After a while your reaction will slowly become indifferent to the point that you won’t care about it anymore. The acute threat stage will slowly pass and your brain will let go if you no longer emotionally react to it. For the next few weeks I want you to feel nothing when you hear the noise. Don’t get a knot in your stomach, just hear it and say to yourself ‘hello noise’ we’re gonna have a great day today. Your nervous system will begin to relearn the importance of the noise meaning you won’t care as much. An important factor here is to surround your life with as much positivity as you can, so this would mean no longer reading about it, and no longer giving it negative emotional associations.

So, like I said, come back in three years and say how you feel as honestly as you can. I strongly believe you won’t care anymore, or no-where near as much, and you’ll have other troubles in your life to worry about instead.

We are what we think. If your mind hates T it’s going to rub it in your face and make you detest each and everyday. If you accept it, it will back off. Our whole existence is conceived in the brain, so it’s not impossible to relearn the rules on what should bother or upset us. It just takes a long time.