
Meniere's Disease

Thank you.

Whenever I see a clinical trial for Meniere's disease, I always silently ask "to which one?".

A classic Meniere's patient, as they describe, has tent shaped hearing loss on the audiometry and spinning vertigo attacks that surface the other symptoms at the time as well.

Now myself, I have T, H, constant dizziness a tent-shape hearing loss (even though the tent is quite remarkably bad-shaped as I am deaf after 4kHz) in the affected ear, but never ever had a vertigo attack... And they again classify me as a Meniere's patient.

A more interesting fact from Dr. Timothy Hain's dizzinessandbalance clinic: What is revealed from the autopsy tells that hydrops (which is the current theory on why Meniere's happens) is about 1 in 10 in the public however Meniere's patients are way less in frequency. But all these Meniere's patients had hydrops. So Meniere's means hydrops but not the other way around.

Personally I do not think I have Meniere's, at least not a wild version of it... My symptoms enflamed after I had a TTI of dextametazone (That's what I have been told at least, I have been suspecting all this time that the injection was actually confused with a destructive treatment, e.g. Gentamicin.)

These make me quite pessimistic about a possible cure in the near future. How can one find a cure for something that we do not have a clear understanding of?