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@MiaVIL it feels like there is a muscle physically twitching in my ear. it can get pretty violent when it is bad. When it is mild it sounds like...
@kingsfan more like a few concerts a year.. but still. give me a break. all my friends went and they don’t have T.
people clapping is the worst sound in the world for me.
@cullenbohannon i do get some enjoyment from watching on TV still, but i’m not as excited about the team anymore.
the only awareness is “you are going to go deaf if you listen to loud music” but i can hear just fine, still can, just have crazy ringing. it...
@MiaVIL how long have you had TTTS? i’m really sorry, i know first hand how much it sucks. I had it for three years and it went away. i only...
why didn’t anybody tell me that if i went to a few concerts, i would develop excruciating ringing in my ears for life? no education.
@2049v yep. and if the prize was $1,000,000 we would never win.
@Bob3382 it feels like i am sometimes because im the only one i know who managed to give themselves T like this.
@Bob3382 luckily the music at my gym is not loud , it is just quiet background noise. i’ve never understood gyms blasting music. Everyone is...
@kingsfan i have not tried benzos and likely never will. seen too many horror stories.
T took my love for football and threw it down the drain. Not being able to go to home games due to being too loud took my interest away
then my nose would be ringing, or my sense of smell would be broken.
what does alcohol do to your T? for mine it suppresses it and that is sometimes dangerous.
shot 78 today with blaring tinnitus. #golf