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  • Went to a wedding with my girlfriend Saturday. I will regret it for the rest of my life. Hearing is muffled and tinnitus is very reactive.
    So many people have T with no pain or worsening. Seems like everyone I know. Seems so much different for us.
    One of my friends had bad T but he lives as if he does not have it. Wedding. Concerts. Everything. His does not change with movements food or sound. He can have a bucket of ice cream no change. Concerts. No change.,
    @4Grace The friend you describe has mild T. A non-issue, I would say.
    It's like a permanent state of psychosis... I can't tell what auditory stimulus is real anymore. Reality is lost. I'm gone.
    The worst part of living now is waking up. Walking outside, hearing my ears scream as a car drives by. They scream as I ride in the car.
    I am the same. Talking in a cell phone with my hands over the speaker hurts my ears.
    My prediction: There will be a connection in the future between tinnitus and the heavy presence of COVID-19 in the trigeminal ganglion.
    Had a complete and total mental breakdown this morning. My main tone increased in volume many times over.
    Sorry to hear :( hopefully it's only a temporary increase. Hope it gets better soon.
    So so sorry. Does your tinnitus change by touching your head? Or moving your neck? Foods?
    "What does it mean to be alive except to court disaster and suffering at every moment?"
    Fk! Who would have ever imagined. I tried so hard. Exercising. Walking in nature. Best shape of my life. Something is eating away at my auditory nerve. Clenching teeth becoming worse and worse. This is not a life
    I feel like anyone without this condition is blessed. I think stable T is not a problem. H - N reactive T is a monster.
    Almost told my Lyft driver to pull over and drop me off on the highway. The tires on the road just make my ringing unbearable.
    You don't wanna be out of your car on the side of the highway. Trust me. Been there. Done that. Paid the price.
    My tinnitus isn't generally reactive to noise as much as it is my own body movement but being in a car is a horrendous experience.
    @Pinhead - we are so much in the same place.
    My office mate just had temporary tinnitus in both ears as we sat together. I looked him in the eyes and said, "Now imagine that...forever."
    Came to work and my boss said it looks like someone "punched me in the face". Sinus infection in full swing.
    Girlfriend went to a sauna today. Sitting in a boiling hot quiet room sounds like actual hell.
    I've heard it could be good for T though.
    Maybe. I can barely walk down the street, though. Don't want to risk it. I wouldn't have any fun.
    Cool. I have a fever and some kind of pimple IN MY EAR CANAL.
    This will probably increase my tinnitus dramatically. This is hell.
    When you are catastrophically disabled, there is no time for self-improvement or enjoyment. There is only survival.
    I seem to have more SBUTTs when I eat better, take vitamins, and exercise. What the hell!?!?
    I had a crazy one the other night in my left ear and had a sensation go to my right ear, my left ear sounded like it went deaf for a couple seconds , definitely hope it never happens again
    Thankfully, I have only had this a couple of times, and exercise lessens my T.
    Two temporary tinnitus episodes in two hours. Help!! I don't want it to become permanent! No more tones!
    Hi, I'm taking the liberty of writing to you here. I saw one of your posts where you said you had no trouble sleeping. Do you have loud tinnitus with horrible tones? How does your brain manage to ignore this and get a good night's sleep???
    It is honestly a total mystery. It's almost like I 'black out'. I don't usually remember coming close to sleep.

    I think my brain is just happy to finally turn off. I usually have water noises playing and a very loud air conditioner as well, but neither of those cover the noise in my skull.
    A friend came to visit today and his laugh peaked at over 100 decibels multiple times. I'm fucked. I'll have hyperacusis by tomorrow.
    It makes me viscerally angry every time he laughs. It's so loud that my other friends cover their ears.
    It's obnoxious, and deep down I envy his ability to enjoy life. I can no longer feel anything close to that.
    I honestly feel like I am in a permanent state of psychosis. I can't tell which sounds are real anymore.
    I relate. It's blaring, constant and intrusive. Used to think it was music i missed the most. Now it's silence I miss.
    Me too. My dysacusis got really really bad lately, I often cannot differentiate between my tinnitus and distorted external sounds
    I'm blown away by how my brain can push most noise to the background, seemingly in FAVOR of concentrating on my tinnitus instead. What? Why?
    I have never been able to push any noise or distraction to the background. This is the crux of the issue with my T.
    I miss books. I miss reading and being able to talk about what I've read. God, this is so isolating.
    I mean, for most of my life, I sat in quiet and read. Years of philosophical research to work towards my PhD. So many worlds I made in my mind through fantasy and sci-fi literature, and I can't imagine a single image now. It's an empty space between my two ears.
    I feel very much the same way a good deal of the time if not most. The focus toward the the ringing and obsessive monitoring of this condition seems to paralysis free thought. Weirdly enough I think I do it to myself though. Because even while I find it difficult to concentrate. I can ironically sit here and read threads from tinnitus talk all day.
    I found the only way I was able to read for awhile was in a hot Epsom salt bath with my violet noise mix playing. Sometimes a candle. Now I still read in the bath best but I'm able to do it in quiet. I read mostly fantasy, so it's my escapism and it's one of the only times I don't "hear" my T.
    Beyond tired of the "You'll get through this" attitude of people around me. It's been three years-YOU get over it.
    At this point, it's like asking me to get over the fact that I have legs and stop walking everywhere. It's absurd and pretty annoying.
    I feel ya. Sorry you don't have more sympathetic people around.
    So sorry. So true. 3 years. I can't believe it's been around 15 months for me. Can't wait at 18 months I should be fully habituated. :)
    The fluctuating squeal in my right ear is really the worst thing. It's just unbearable. I can totally ignore the pure tones.
    I just found out that a coworker has a friend who is housebound with tinnitus. It became progressively worse.
    @gameover one guy told me. How loud is going to get. It's not going to make my head explode. He says after 3 years he just lives. Eats and endures the major spikes. They say that it's insuring the spikes that leads to habitation.
    @gameover I find it hard to accept that my friends are that much different when I know that they are .. they are not impacted by food or clenching or touching the side of your head. I feel like I'm wrong but I at the same time that I need to learn to eat and go out and let it do what it is going to do…
    @gameover / I just don't have a life that will make me think or live different. This is a problem for me. I cut everything out of my life. I cannot reinvent my life. This is FN crazy. The stupidity that got me here drives me insane. Sorry for all the typos and grammar errors. I waiting to see an ENT. Another waist of time!!
    It's such a terrible thing. It's like waking up to find yourself weak and naked again about to be enveloped in a cocoon of cold steel nails.
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