Tinnitus for Almost a Year — Headphone Usage Contributed to the Onset

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by grayfox00, Feb 4, 2022.

    1. grayfox00

      grayfox00 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi everyone,

      I've decided to post my first message here after almost a year of struggling with tinnitus in my left ear. It started at the end of March 2021 and I am not fully sure about the reason. I am sure that daily headphone usage contributed to the onset of tinnitus.

      My audiograms are fine until 8 kHz, I have some ETD (confirmed with the diagnostic probe) on my left ear but it does not cause any fluid to build up in the ear, my tympanometry is normal. The only disadvantage is that I hear clicking sound every time when I swallow. I've tried ET catheterization several times, with local steroid injection, but the relief was very short, like 1-2 days max.

      Just FYI - I've got my OTO-313/placebo injection yesterday. So far nothing changed. In the evening I had quite bad tinnitus and today morning it faded out - but that's my daily routine since 1 year - tinnitus is always worsened during evening and mild in the morning. I will keep you updated if anything changes here.
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    2. DimLeb

      DimLeb Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Idiopathic Cochleopathy or Maybe Loud Music
      @grayfox00, your story sounds like mine, around the same time last year too. Morning mild, evening little more than mild. Mine first started in left ear but then became central/both ears though.

      I'm wondering though... OTO-313 trial in Poland?! Seeing your location, that's why...

      I hope you feel better soon!
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    3. AUTHOR

      grayfox00 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      There are 3 countries in Europe which participate in the clinical trial: Germany, UK and Poland. Full list here:

      I wish the same to you!
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    4. DimLeb

      DimLeb Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Idiopathic Cochleopathy or Maybe Loud Music
      @grayfox00, oh damn, I didn't notice, even though I follow the research closely! It's very good that it's in Europe as well and close to us (I'm from Greece).

      I believe it takes a few days/weeks to do its job, assuming you got the drug. Hopefully you won't have any other adverse effects as I read the injection is pretty safe. Keep us posted mate!

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