Help Identify What This Is

Discussion in 'Support' started by mikemike, Mar 22, 2015.

    1. mikemike

      mikemike Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      So after going to this party that had loud music playing, my ears were ringing, which is normal when being exposed to loud music for a long time. The next day it was gone. The week later I noticed a whoosing sound in my right ear when certain sounds would go off (dishes, door slam, people coughing, or after I'm finished with a sentence), and when i flick my right ear it reacts to that. So I waited for it to go and since January of this month it is still there. Some days it somewhat lessen but it doesn't tend to get worse. Also sudden/unexpected noises before the sound happens would make my neck twitch which is the really annoying part. When i go to school or go to the store or something, I notice that both these things kinda disappears but my right ear and nerves would only react if the sound is REALLY LOUD. At school I can tolerate clapping and all that but when i'm at home my right ear acts up again. I'm wondering if you guys could identify the whoosing sounds and why I'm twitching to sudden/unexpected sounds??????

      *When this started I noticed a lump (swollen lymph node maybe?) on my jawline in front of my RIGHT ear so is that linked to what is happening to it? Maybe I have an ear infection?

      two months later (now in March so this started like a week ago), I was watching Youtube videos on my phone w/o earbuds for like an hour, and at one point in time my left ear kinda reacted to the youtuber's voice level, My LEFT ear only would twitch or vibrate to a certain sound level. This happens on my phone and sometimes on TV but never with conversations, and when I put my earphones in it doesn't even happen then. Could any of you guys help identify this for me?

      I appreciate the help!
    2. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Mikemike, and welcome!

      Well, one thing it isn't --- I don't believe you have pulsatile tinnitus. That is when your ear constantly pulsates, in sync with your heartbeat.

      It's possible that you do have some form of reactive tinnitus, due to the fact that it only reacts, or twitches, when you hear sounds of a certainly frequency.

      There are other people on this forum who have had more experience than I've had with this type of tinnitus, who might be able to assist you. I don't think it's hyperacusis; instead, it's possible you might be having some sort of ear spasm.

      Can anyone else relate to this, and shed some light on this condition?:
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    3. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      Hi Mike, have you seen an ENT or a family Dr for this. If not I would start there, but first and formost I would start wearing earplugs, at least until you see a ENT. Seems like you are affected by just certain sound waves, for now.
      The sooner you see an ENT the better, and don't forget those earplugs. You can get some at The Home Depot.

      Thought you might enjoy this for now:

      Please let us know if there are any changes and also what the ENT has to say....
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    4. AUTHOR

      mikemike Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have an appointment tomorrow so I will let you guys know what he says about it. Thanks for the input also.
    5. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      OK Mike, make sure to write down your questions today in a little notebook, so you don't get home saying I forgot to ask this or that. This way you can make to most of your time with your Dr, and ask away...
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