Tap Water Causing a Spike?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Emily, 23 January 2014.

    1. Emily

      Emily Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      So, this ringing/hissing/buzzing has been going on for quite some time now. I noticed the weather (rain or snow) causes a spike. I've also been trying to identify dietary triggers and I definitely have noticed that MSG causes an instant spike. I also notice that I have to watch my salt intake. Caffeine and soda don't seem to do anything as I have previously eliminated them with no benefits.

      However, one that I have been noticing but ruling out for quite some time is...TAP WATER. Could this be? Or am I insane or something? The last few days I have noticed that I wake up relatively quiet. Then I eat breakfast (eggs), then I drink my diet mountain dew (i relapsed back to soda :( oh well), then I drink about 2 bottles of bottled water. It still is quiet.

      Then I start filling my bottles up at the water fountain and drinking those the rest of the day. I'm on diuretics so I drink/pee a lot. Anyway, midway through the first bottle of tap water I notice my buzzing increases. Then it increases further the rest of the day. When I get home later and eat dinner it usually subsides a bit. I don't drink tap water at home just bottled water or juice or something. Even when I have my beer or wine or whatever at night I usually don't spike.

      The thing that is making me really identify tap water is that when I work my second job I drink tap water there too. Those nights I ALWAYS spike while I'm there. Then, all weekend when I am home and drinking soda, eating etc. but no Tap water I am usually quieter. So, could this be the culprit?

      What could possibly be in it that I am reacting to? And does anyone else notice this? What other triggers do you notice?
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    2. Magpie

      Magpie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I would say it's coincidental. A lot of people say their tinnitus is quiet in the morning then it ramps up during the day. Soda is high in sugar content so maybe it is worth thinking about.
    3. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I agree with Magpie: Probably a coincidence, also possibly related to time of day and the environments you are in. But who the heck knows? Stop drinking tap water and I guess you will have your answer.

      My tinnitus spikes with caffeine (but I know not everyone's does). Wine, in moderation, makes it quieter. I don't eat much sugar. Outside of that, haven't noticed much differences with food. My spikes tend to be environmental: road noise when driving usually calms my tinnitus but rain on my car roof makes it crazy. My t also hates my office parking garage, even when no cars are driving by, and my church sanctuary, which has a super high open ceiling and tile floors. I am convinced its all acoustics.
    4. adam2525

      adam2525 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Tinnitus also spikes for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      Emily Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      You're probably right. I decided to try ALL bottled water on Friday. Didn't help...lol. I guess I am just grasping at straws thinking if I can identify triggers than I can have some control over this. Nice try lol.
      • Funny Funny x 1
    6. Glen Morse
      Cold turkey

      Glen Morse Member

      Waterloo N.Y.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Emily, I know what your saying, I have been turning over every rock I see also, but don't give it up.
      I finally got looking under the rock of excepting the T. when it does come on, and learning to ignore it. There has been so many here who have success with that, but a good diet and exercise is your friend, and I have found relief in it.
      Oh, by the way, I won't touch tap water, and I drink 2 quarts of steem distiled water first thing in the morning before I eat or drink even my coffee. That is the best way to detox yourself first thing in the morning. Will it help T. go away? I don't know, but it cleans me out, and makes my day a lot better.
    7. dan

      dan Member Hall of Fame

      Toronto, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise
      Stop drinking DIET Mountain DEW for a few days and see. Most vile drink ever I tasted.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    8. Tony Phylactou

      Tony Phylactou Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      sept 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Cement factory noise lowT,then stress high T
      With me, I believe it is not the quality of the water we drink but the quantity. If I drink too much, it spikes my tinnitus for days. And when I slow down on the water, my tinnitus quietens.

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