Comments on Profile Post by LilSass

  1. Ella114
    Hi! Thank you :)

    Unfortunately I haven’t figured out the cause yet, ENT appointments take forever to set up and a month or two to finally get one...I have one in October finally but I will update on how it goes!
    Sep 15, 2020
    LilSass likes this.
  2. Ella114
    Just an update for you! the ENT has diagnosed me with eustachian tube dysfunction
    Oct 9, 2020
    LilSass likes this.
  3. LilSass
    I got diagnosed with that as well, but nothing else came of it. What does your ent have planned?
    Oct 10, 2020
    Ella114 likes this.
  4. Ella114
    given that my sinuses and ears are congested, he suspects allergies and has asked my doctor to perform an allergy test.

    It could very well be allergies.

    I live in a carpeted home and my girlfriend has had symptoms of allergies around the same time I got tinnitus (May 2020). She still has symptoms but tinnitus isn't one of them, more like chest tightness and cough.
    Oct 11, 2020
  5. Ella114
    I still have yet to get an allergy test done but I will keep you updated :)
    Oct 11, 2020
    LilSass likes this.