How to cope? It's gotten worse and hella scary.

Discussion in 'Support' started by Krystie, May 27, 2013.

    1. Krystie

      Krystie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Can't sleep, talk, write, concentrate. I'm just laying on my bed hoping that it will all end. In class, when I get that sensation in my ear and that ringing sound.. I start to have a panic attack. No one understands because they can't hear it, only I can. I feel more sad and gloomy, like I want it all to end. I feel so empty, worthless, and afraid that it might affect my future. I feel empty like it's only me and that sound. I need help..
    2. Susie

      Susie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I know exactly how you feel!! I developed it a few months ago and have noooo idea where it came from. Been to a lot of doctors about it and finally to one specialist in Memphis, Tn where he put me on Xanax (lowest dose) just for the anxiety and trying the flavor-noid combined with gingo daily for 90 days. My ringing is like a high pitched pulsating sound that is constant. I went through all what you mentioned and still going through it. It's hard for me not to constantly question it. I wish I could find some answers on how to make it quieter.
    3. Deep

      Deep Member

      Sorry to hear, I am also young (well JUST turned 20) and have T. Let me first tell you there are better days and worse days.

      Please do me a favor and try doing what I am just about to recommend... Nothing. Pretend you don't have it or rather you do not care, just for ONE week only. Carry on doing everything you normally would, seeing friends, studying etc. When one thing reminds you of it switch to another. This doesn't have to work, you can continue seeking help and recommendations after, but just try to live normally for a week and see what happens to your mind if you successfully complete this task. You don't have to completely tune it out of your head, just pretend to not care for these 7 days, what you choose to think after is up to you.

      I hope all the best for you. Look forward to sharing experiences and help in the future.

    4. Paint girl

      Paint girl Member

      British Columbia Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Car accident/ head injury.
      I'm so sorry for you. I know how it feels. When mine first started, it was loud, my whole head vibrated. I wasn't sleeping and was having panic attacks. Thank God mine has subsided somewhat. I still have hard times and try my best to ignore it but it isn't easy. If mine doesn't continue to subside then I think I will look in to tinnitus retraining therapy. It looks promising. Do you know what started yours.
    5. Susie

      Susie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      To me, it is hard to ignore unless I stay busy. I dealt with so many doctors till I finally found a specialist in T in Memphis, TN. We have no clue what started it because I have 100% hearing in both ears. He is trying me on couple different meds to try to see if they will work. I have meds now for the panic and anxiety and it is really helping that part of it. It's been 6 weeks on meds and 3 months since it started. Hoping it will get better!!
    6. DezDog

      DezDog Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Krystie, how has today been?
    7. AUTHOR

      Krystie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I feel less emotional, and a little better. I'm constantly listening to music to get rid of that sound.. Thank you so much for asking. :)
    8. AUTHOR

      Krystie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes, it was from my favorite sport which was swimming. Also, from allergies.
    9. DezDog

      DezDog Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:

      Sometimes that's all it takes to make your day better isn't it? I'm glad you're feeling better.

      I have one suggestion, if I may, which is to find a way of distracting yourself without the music too. If you play an instrument, spend a few minutes on it, or take a walk.

      But..whatever works for now is all good.
    10. Petloy

      Petloy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Krystie, you had T since 2008, what happened? I hope you feel better.
    11. Robert Fahey

      Robert Fahey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Jan, 2012
      Just joined after reading this thread. I suspect the T is just one of many things stressing you out lately. True?

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