Universal Sound Therapy (UST)

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by calin, Nov 13, 2011.

    1. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Universal Sound Therapy, UST, is very likely nothing more but a scam.
      The very first thing you will notice is that UST offers CDs for all sorts of ails. That should alarm you.
      Then you will see that all of the reviews on their site are positive, 5 or 4-star reviews. That should alarm you. There is no treatment for any disease on this Earth that would gather only positive reviews.

      Finally and most importantly, UST is not based on actual tested science. It does not meet any of the usual guidelines for bringing a new treatment to market.
      You will do yourself a great service by reading these two following discussions from start to end. They will not take a lot of your time.

      How to Spot Pseudoscience
      A Primer on Scientific Testing

      Always remember that people who are desperate for a cure or treatment, are the most susceptible to all sorts of scams and promises.
      You are not a gullible person, do remember to think long and hard before you hand out your money.

      The original message by calin begins below. This marks the end of this notice by Tinnitus Talk.

      I just joined you all! HI!

      I wanted to share this treatment which I started 3 days ago. I believe it is based on cymatics which I resonate with. It makes sense to me!

      Has anybody tried it?

      Here is the link which I posted on my introduction thread as well. http://www.universalsoundtherapy.com/products/tinnitus.html
      You can read the reviews on that page.

      Also, I spoke on the phone with the owner and he said he beat tinnitus after 4 months using the treatment. I see on the link for the reviews that others found relief or cure in less time though.

      What I am hearing on the CD for Tinnitis is tones/frequencies. At first, I had to place the headphones just off of my ear. I am ok with them on my ears now, and even feel a sense of comfort while listening to the tones. I am on the computer while listening, so the 45 minutes is no bother.

      I will be glad to answer any questions about this therapy if I can, but if you call the number listed on the contact page, they are more than happy talking to you. Dick is the owner and is very friendly and helpful!

      There is some reduction already in the intensity of the TT, but I am not sure if it will be lasting. I have only just started the treatment so I will be patient!


      There has been scientific testing on this technology. This is just a recent couple of links I have found.

      If you care to do some research on the UST technology....
      http://www.elizabethbauerconsults.com/pdfs/EHE'07.pdf - This paper was forwarded (email) to me from UST when I asked to see it. It was mentioned on the UST site.
      www.elizabethbauerconsults.com/pdfs/Frac1.pdf. This link came from the UST site - http://www.universalsoundtherapy.com/FAQ.html

      Perhaps the reviews are from honest people making an honest review.

      Germs could not be seen in the 1800s, and therefore surgeons did not wash their hands for hygiene. Skeptics ridiculed those doctors that advocated washing their hands... http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/hand_background.php We have come a long way since then. We can even heal with LIGHT! Why is it so hard to accept sound?

      You may be a skeptic, but one shouldn't close off the technology until one gets all the facts and experienced it if need be.
    2. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      After 4 days of Universal Sound therapy, I am noticing the TT has faded a bit more. Not as tinny or "cricket sounding" and the right ear seems like it has almost faded out at moments - maybe comes and goes. Of course this could be temporary, so we shall see.

      I shall continue to update my progress!
    3. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Progress after 6 days on UST CD.... I have moments where I notice silence of the T. When that happens, I have to concentrate on whether the T is still there. However, when I do that, the T is very faint, but, it does come back. So, I see that as a change from the steady T and feel more hopeful. There has been a reduction in intensity (maybe 25%) so it is more tolerable.

      The owner of UST told me that his T cleared after 4 months, so I will carry on with the CD daily.

      Sometimes I listen to the CD a couple of times during the day. It seems comforting for some reason.
    4. Jim Fletcher

      Jim Fletcher Member

      Hi Calin:

      Can you assure me you aren't really working for the company and posting to promote it? No offense meant, but it is a very common form of marketing. Hoping you will be honest about it. I am interested in your progress.
    5. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Oh dear! I see your concern!

      No my friend. I have a business - a small retail store.

      The company I purchased the CD from has their profile on the web site. I called and spoke to a man named Dick Rhoades. I email him also to get information about which cd would work best for different ailments. You may call him directly if you like. I am sure you will find him to be a genuine and helpful man. In fact, I just received one for my dog who has cataracts. It is sad to see her not as lively with poor vision. I am not in a position to cough up $4000 per eye for surgery!

      Also, you may read reviews on the site under each CD type and see what was said. It seems to be a direct upload from people. I am waiting until I have had another week or so with the tinnitus CD before I post.

      Ya know, the guarantee was good enough for me!

      I also have researched the cymatics history, which the sound therapy is based on. I have studied quantum physics for years and this stuff makes perfect sense to me. I have used light therapy for other muscle and pain issues for years and that works. Ultrasound works for breaking up kidney stones and one can change their brainwaves by sound... so why not cymatics for having cells in your body resonate with healthy cells frequencies???? I see it to be very logical. Albeit, more time involved. But, I am am willing to take that time and investment. I am not pleased having tinnitus! It disrupts and distracts me from my meditations and quiet time reading.

      I was here to give an update and saw your inquiry and suspicion. You have a choice to disregard this if you wish. I can only write down the words and it is up to you whether you believe me. I don't know how to demonstrate to you that I am not associated with UST. I don't know what else to say.

      My update. I keep trying to put a measurement on the level - maybe 50% reduction since 11/10. I sometimes find myself listening for the tinnitus high shrill as I wasn't hearing it at the time. When I do get focused on it, I find that it has softened and doesn't sound like a billion crickets, but more of an electronic hiss. Mild and not bothersome.... but still there. I listen to the CD at least once a day. I notice that in the morning it is there and a bit stronger in volume. At times it is barely noticeable. so, it increases and decreases, which is a change. I am all for changes.... and this is a change in the right direction.

      I just got approved to see an ENT doc and will schedule an appointment . I know I have some hearing loss as I have to turn up the volume on the CD for the tone that is in the really high pitch range. I am 60 so that is not so unusual I guess.

      Hope this helps a bit for you Jim. I understand totally your apprehension. I only wanted to share as I was trying this out and wanted to record my progress somewhere. No one on any forum for T had mentioned this therapy as far I could find and thought I would give it a go here. Especially since all I was seeing was that it is not curable. I tend not to take that diagnosis as acceptable!! ;)

      I will update with more changes! Just know I am doing it daily. Oh, I am also doing one for high blood pressure too. I stopped the medication - beta blockers - as I suspect that the tinnitus was a side effect of them. I am putting in due diligence daily with both. Actually I am doing the tinnitus one as I write this. Second time today! ;)

      Ok Jim?
    6. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      More follow up....

      I am going to the audiologist Tuesday and then the to ENT on Wednesday for the tinnitus. I will let you know the outcome.

      I am still listening to the sound therapy daily. I am not getting any worse (and that is a good thing!) and at times the high pitch tone/ pulse is softer - faint even. I every now and again take a moment and listen for it. It is still there just a tad softer. It is good that I am not being annoyed by it all day now. I consider that a change. I can sit in a quiet room and not be bothered by it.

      I am feeling hopeful.

      I don't know how else to describe the changes, so I am doing the best I can. Hope it helps.
    7. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Another entry in my tinnitus diary... or just an update!

      Tomorrow I see the ENT doctor. He has the report from the audiologist - I took about 5 hearing tests today. If anyone is interested I can tell you which ones they were.

      The technician right off the bat looked in my ears for blockages or excess wax build up to make sure the tests would not be diminished in any way. All good there! Darn it! It would have been nice to think this T business was due to excess wax! Who would have thought that a wax build up would have been a good thing?!

      My tests were all normal. This baffled me! I told the technician that I thought I had a hearing loss. I took an on- line hearing test a month or so ago and I didn't do so well at all according to them. I think it said moderate hearing loss - in bold RED no less!

      I also told her that I was listening to sound therapy with tones/frequencies and I had to turn up the volume to hear one or two of the high pitched ones and it didn't make sense that I had normal hearing. (Oh, Dick at UST reminded me when I mentioned that to him that it didn't matter if I heard them or not, that my body would pick them up). I knew that!! Just old habits of turning volumes up when you can't hear! haha

      The technician said that those few high tones are probably not the normal range of hearing one needs in everyday functioning. If I could hear them by an increase in volume, all was well. All I could say was "Oh!"

      Hmmm.. now that I am thinking about this hearing loss one minute and not the next, perhaps there is something about the tinnitus cd that I am listening to that helped my hearing in some way. I think I will bug Dick again and see what he thinks.

      I was absolutely astounded that my hearing was normal! I was almost ready to cry (for joy) when she told me. So, I am now really interested in knowing what the ENT doc says about this T thing. My thought was normal hearing loss due to age and perhaps my BP medication causing the T. Strike out hearing loss!!! I am off BP medication. I am off caffeine.... hmmmmmm.....

      I will be back tomorrow to complete another update / tinnitus diary!
    8. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Calin, I just perused the website you linked to above universalsoundtherapies.com. I was quite impressed by what I saw, but not in a good way. I'm sure you've heard the term "if it sounds to good to be true". Well it seems that Dick has sound therapy for just about anything that ails you. I'm very happy that your T is improving, but I would suspect that you are either experiencing a placebo effect or just a coincidental effect. Tinnitus perception fluctuates over time for most of us so it would be easy to mistakenly attribute this affect to your newly purchased sound therapy. If you carefully read through the website you will find absolutely no credible scientific evidence for any of the claims made therein. This guy is selling snake oil. No question about it.

      My bullshit detecter just went off. They have some pretty amazing claims. They "treat" everything bone spurs to Lymes disease.
      Here's how it works

      Really, that's not what I call disease. That's what I call gibberish.

      Neutralize the intruders!!! REALLY. Ha ha ha ha.

      P.S "Dr" John Douillard in the video above has his training in "Ayurveda" an alternative form of medicine. Basically the Hindu version of Chinese Medicine. As far as I can see there is no credible scientific trials to show that there is any efficacy to this form of alternative medicine. But then if there were it wouldn't be called "alternative".

      good luck

    9. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Ok Jim!

      You do not have any background then in quantum physics or studied bioenergy or bio resonance I see. No worries. Continue to stay in the world of allopathic medicine. Everyone is responsible for their own health. And that includes me.

      So, how do you explain the reviews on the site where people no longer have tinnitus? Or the people that no longer have the health issues that they bought the cd for? And.... if it is placebo...so what!

      Do you know that the controlled groups that participate in drug testing have higher amounts of the placebo effect than what is reported in the studies before the drug is released for use? True story! You may research that if you wish.

      The mind and body are connected intimately. What you think can have a direct impact on how you feel physically and or mentally. I hope you know that. Now, if you are stressed and have no means of releasing that stress you may get a cold or an illness. You do know that right? Why? Because your body is working really hard in the fight or flight mode and the immune system is compromised. The mind did that!!! Instant placebo.... ah oh... I got sick because I am stressed!!! Why do you think people are told to calm down or they will have a stroke or heart attack? It is all linked. People who are getting married or in love are NEVER sick! The mind is not in fight or flight mode!

      Anyway, you may choose to call all things snake oil, but I have to say that the beta blockers I took for 30 years gave me anxiety, stress and had side effects which was worse than the mild blood pressure increases I had. Now that was snake oil!!!

      You have criticized cymatics without due diligence to the science. Why don't you spend some time researching it before you call something snake oil? Just because a treatment wasn't approved by spending 5 million dollars going through the FDA for approval, doesn't mean it is not going to work. You see, there are substances right now that will and has cured cancer. But the pharmaceutical companies can't make a buck (with cheap already available substances or techniques) so they won't invest the 5 -40 million dollars on the studies to get it marketed... no profit. So, we have relatives that die for no reason. Oh, these cures were on the MSM news!!! ABC, 20/20, etc. Don't take my word for it... you tube or google it!!!

      Do you know how a tuning fork works? Do you know that everything in this world has a vibration... a frequency? If you don't, just google or watch some you tube videos. That can get you on your way to the technology of what that site is about.

      Ultrasound is commonly used in hospitals... I guess you would call that snake oil too. How do you think light travels? Frequencies. How do you think xrays work? That's why they call it radiology. Radio frequencies. Is sound a frequency???

      Ya know what my friend? I will let Grandpa John explain RESONANCE to you and that everything has a frequency. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiHOqMOJTH4

      I am off to the ENT doctor now and see what he has to say!!! I just may be able to ask him about sound therapy./cymatics.

      Oh the Army is funding research on sound therapy for their vets. Maybe you could call them and tell them not to fund snake oil. Here is just one or two links on sound therapy.... link.... http://www.ptsdmanual.com/ http://www.va.gov/health/NewsFeatures/20110524a.aspl The VA
    10. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Calen,
      Sorry if I hit sensitive nerve. Not my intention. I was not criticizing you. I looked at the website you posted, did a little research and came away with the opinion that I posted. But there are couple things in your response that I am interested in.

      How would you know that about me? You must be really good at knowing stuff.

      There are many ways to explain it. It's possible that they are fabricated. How would you explain the fact that there are no negative reviews. Seem's a little unlikely to me that this product works for everyone all the time.


      I don't call all things snake oil.

      Correct, it also doesn't mean that it will work. What it means is there is no study to back up it's efficacy.

      No I would not call that snake oil.
      gotta go
      have a nice day,
    11. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      update.... I am told I possibly have vascular tinnitus based on what the 80 year old otolaryngologist thinks.. He has 51 years of experience, so that is my guess!

      I now have a series of tests to be taken as he heard a heart murmur. That was news to me. He thinks the pulsing tinnitus may due to the murmur - or something else. So, I also have to have an MRi on my brain and an ultrasound on my carotid arteries.... and some other cardiovascular workup.
    12. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Noticed a bit more fading of the T last night and it carried through to this morning. Change is good! ;)
    13. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Seems a bit more fainter today.

      Morning seems to be the strongest. After about 2 hours, it fades .

      There are time when I notice I will make a conscious effort to hear the tinnitus. Of course, when I do that it is there. However, it is much fainter than about a month ago!!
    14. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      The T seems fainter this AM....
    15. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Went into my bathroom at work today and sensed something strange. I looked around and didn't notice anything different. I still had that sense of something different. So, I listened. That was it! It was too quiet. I thought that was odd... too quiet. Then, I realized....... it was toooo quiet!!!!!!!!!!

      I went out to the main work room and turned off the miscellaneous things that made noise (ie computer radio show) and listened. Quiet. I pressed my fingers over the flap of my ears and listened. Quiet. I cupped my hands over my ears, put headsets on....quiet. I couldn't believe it. I kept moving about going from place to place trying to see if I was really hearing quiet.

      After a few minutes of disbelief, I pressed my fingers in my ears - longer this time - and could hear a faint pinging with my heartbeat rhythm. Wow. I was kinda shocked. I kept trying to hear my T sounds. I could hear ever so faintly in the left ear the rhythmic pinging. No T in the right ear.

      Well...hours passed and the T is a bit more audible but nothing compared to what it was weeks ago. The shock was that at times, I did not even hear the pinging. Nothing! No T.
    16. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      I was so thrilled yesterday over the huge reduction of the T. Bummer though.... it was back when I woke up. However, I am not giving up my hope and appreciation for the progress made!

      Since waking (over an hour ago) the T has faded ... so that is a good sign. I am doing the CD now and hopefully that will trigger another blessed day of dramatically reduced T.

      I am now wondering why T is louder in the AM upon waking. I will do my usual... google it!!!
    17. bob

      bob Member

    18. bob

      bob Member

      How long does the cd last, and how about my money back guarntee if I don't like it.
    19. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      There are 3 tracks. Dick Rhoades does an introduction on the first - hmmm.. maybe about 1-2 minutes. Track 2 is an alignment - maybe 15 minutes. The condition protocol (like for tinnitus) is abut 59 minutes.

      You should use headsets. When I listen to my 3 cds (have different ones) I use the headsets on my leg. I started out with them on my ears, but I do them daily and it gets to be a drag and rough on my ears! lol

      The frequencies get to where they need to go just about anywhere. My sister uses her leg with the headsets while driving as she has an hour drive to work.
    20. bob

      bob Member

      Little confused, so you lay the headset on your legs and I guess it's loud enough so your ears can hear it. So at nite time do you play the cd while your sleeping all nite long. I don't have much trouble during the day time with tinnitus because I'm usually around enough little noise to keep me from thinking about it. Like they say low pitch noise is your best friend.
    21. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      gosh.. no bob.

      Place the headsets on your head.

      I place the headsets on my thigh only because I want to hear other things and do some work. The sound frequenies go through your body. My dog has the headset around her chest area. She does the cataracts / vision one... short version. Oh, also the hearing loss one. She is kinda old.

      See the FAQ on the site - maybe that will explain it more for you. http://www.universalsoundtherapy.com/FAQ.html
    22. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      So you don't actually have to put the headphones on your head, you can wear them on your leg and still get benefit?
    23. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Correct Jim. Thank you and pardon my fuzzy explanation!
    24. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      Oh ok, I'm assuming the vibrations from the CD via the headphones transmitted through the leg or ears etc. have some beneficial quality that other vibrations don't have. They would have to in order to cause a positive change in the body right? So my concern would be if say for example I was listening to some really bad rock & roll or polka music. Could that possibly have a negative effect? It seems like we have vibrations around us all the time with no way of telling the good ones from the bad ones. How do you keep the bad ones out?
    25. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Good question Jim. I did hear a theory on that - like for young people that listen to heavy metal. the vibrational quality may not be in alignment with the natural vibrations of an older person but can be for the younger. There was more to it, but I am too sleepy right now to concentrate on the response adequately!

      If you read the intro and FAQ on the site, I believe you may find your answers.

      It makes sense to me as long as the protocols are correct for the healthy state of the issues you are trying to focus on.

      I hope this helped... I am a bit sleepy right now.....
    26. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

      Q - Some people do not have credit cards, can they still get your CDs?
      A. Yes, we will accept a cashiers check or money order, personal checks take longer because they need to clear the bank first, but you can send your check to us at Universal Sound Therapy

      Thanks Calin, I think I found the answer.
    27. bob

      bob Member

    28. bob

      bob Member

      Just ordered the cd should get it 3 or 4 days. Told me maybe even just put it close to ears, or even just on my cheek bones. We shall see, I've proably spent over 1000 dollars on stuff over the internet over the last 15 years, hopefully this will be the answer. If not I'll ship it back to get my money back.
    29. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Yep! You can't lose with the 90 day guarantee!

      I am going on a month using the Tinnitus therapy. It may take another 2 months to be completely free... don't know. I have hope as the change and relief has been noticeable and surprising.

      I used a bank debit card when I ordered.

      He is working on getting downloads up on the site. I suggested that as some do not want to wait 3-5 days for the snail mail. The reviews on the site also indicate that others wanted faster shipments!!!

      My little dog does well with the headsets on her abdomen. She is doing the vision and hearing loss ones. I figured that my dog's cataracts will just get worse not better, so what did I have to loose? I felt bad looking at her eyes gradually getting more of that blue cloud. It won't hurt her and I feel like I am actually doing something for her.

      I didn't want to spend a lot of money on tinnitus. Other than doctors and supplements I haven't spent that much. I bought the ebook (Tinnitus Miracle) and decided I would only do one more thing and chose the UST CD. I know how it goes when the internet calls your name to buy different remedies and such! lol

      I started out with the headsets on or just aside of my ears. I would turn it up or down (volume) based on the tones. Now I just put the headsets on my thigh and go about my computer work. Once in a while I will put the headsets on my head. No need though.

      Keep us posted!!!
    30. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      My T was softer upon waking this AM. Two hours later (now) it is barely audible. I don't assume that it wills stay this way...but I am noticing the changes. I am happy with the progress.

      I also started taking probiotics in case I have a case of candida which can case T effects. 2nd day of probiotics (delayed).

      Today makes a month on the UST Sound therapy cd.

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