Comments on Profile Post by SugarMagnolia

  1. RishRamsey
    It’s happening at every company, I wonder when the stupid folks at mine will ask us to work from home
    Mar 12, 2020
    SugarMagnolia likes this.
  2. SugarMagnolia
    I'll tell you when: when someone at your company gets it. Mine didn't close until after someone got it.

    Apparently that's how everyone is handling this crisis: wait until AFTER after the horse has bolted to close the barn door.
    Mar 12, 2020
    Bill Bauer and RishRamsey like this.
  3. TheDanishGirl
    My workplace is closed for 2 weeks and I can't work from home. I hope you (we) get through this period well and without too much bother from tinnitus and maybe hyperacusis.
    Mar 12, 2020
    RishRamsey and SugarMagnolia like this.
  4. SugarMagnolia
    I am not handing this crisis well. I have OCD and on a normal pre-corona day I was washing my hands and living in fear of germs.
    Mar 14, 2020
  5. SugarMagnolia
    Also, I recently discovered a severe food allergy--gluten--which apparently runs in my family. That means specialty foods and apparently other people with this allergy got to the grocery store before me. If only my dh wasn't in denial of this crisis we could have gone shopping sooner.
    Mar 14, 2020
  6. SugarMagnolia
    So let's see what we got: OCD, gluten & lactose intolerance, a raging personality-disordered husband, and tinnitus.
    Mar 14, 2020
  7. SugarMagnolia
    Sorry, gotta vent: I've got special food needs and I asked the POS to take me to a market again today and he went into another rage complete with bellowing and name-calling. Finally he says he'll take me "when he's ready." Well, he's chilling out in front of his beloved TV. Who knows when he'll decide he's ready. I want to go back in time before I got married and beat some sense into my younger self.
    Mar 14, 2020
  8. SugarMagnolia
    Again, sorry for using this to vent but I'm so upset. I waited two and a half hours before asking him again. He's just watching tv. Now he's screaming and calling me horrible names and saying now I will have to wait even longer to go. I have hated him for years but my hatred of him has gone through the roof now.
    Mar 14, 2020
  9. SugarMagnolia
    The things he says to me are so vile I can't use the words here. For years he's been breaking me down into this puddle of self-loathing that I am today. If not for mental illness and poverty I would have left him. I try not to anger him but that's impossible. The simplest things I say bring on rages that no one would believe. I wish I had a secret recording device.
    Mar 14, 2020
  10. SugarMagnolia
    People in the outside world think he's interesting & charming but behind closed doors he's a monster. I hate him with every fiber of my being and I am trapped with the POS for the rest of my life.
    Mar 14, 2020
  11. TheDanishGirl
    Oh dear @SugarMagnolia - I'm so sorry to hear about your situation, nobody deserves to live with such a mentally abusive husband, and especially not you who got your own problems to deal with :( is it possible for you to leave him?
    Mar 14, 2020
    Autumnly and SugarMagnolia like this.
  12. TheDanishGirl
    Can you go to some local crisis center for woman in abusive relationships and get help......does such a thing exist where you are? You shouldnt just take this mental violence, it will destroy you eventually......your much better of without him.
    Mar 14, 2020
    Autumnly and SugarMagnolia like this.
  13. RishRamsey
    I am sorry that’s happening to you. I really don’t know what else to say, but I am really truly sorry. Here if you need to vent more. Sending *internet hugs*
    Mar 14, 2020
    Autumnly and SugarMagnolia like this.
  14. SugarMagnolia
    @TheDanishGirl I have OCD. I'm afraid to leave my home. I'm afraid of people. I'm afraid of dozens of ordinary things in the world. When you say "crisis shelter" I hear "place of horror."
    Mar 14, 2020