Just a Random Person

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Lithium, Feb 27, 2015.

    1. Lithium

      Lithium Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress, teenage abuse
      Hello there, friends! :)
      My name is Orysia, I am from Ukraine, and I have been suffering from T for more than 5 years now. It started all of a sudden, and never stopped since that time. It gets worse or better from time to time, but it always stays somewhere there on the background.
      I have had quite a tough childhood. I lost my father when I was 9, and for a few years I tried to learn how to live with that fact. Back in school I was bullied and made fun of for the reason of being a bit different than the others were. I had no friends. I would usually spend time on my own. I could easily get hurt. I could easily be made to cry. In other words, I was a depressed, stressed, unhappy child. Of course, T made every single detail even worse at that point.
      I have tried everything that I could try or afford to try. These were different examinations, treatments, medical tests and diagnostic procedures. The only positive outcome of all of these is that I discovered that I have no serious illnesses to be worried about, and also some pills have helped me to manage the stress and sleeping issues.
      I can honestly say that I have learnt how to live with T. As to talk about this certain stage of my life, I am exactly the type of person I am supposed to be. I have my lovely family, my loyal friends, my hobby. I try to enjoy my life completely and perceive it as a whole. However, sometimes I do dream of hearing the clear silence again, over and over again I try to recall this feeling of all the sounds being away for some time. And this is the thing, the idea that makes me move on trying new therapeutic methods.
      I have already decided that when I heal myself I will help the others to do the same, for I know the way it actually feels.

      With all my love and support for you, friends! We will make it one day. ;)
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    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Welcome and thank you Lithium for your encouraging post. You have overcome all odds from childhood and you don't cave in to T. That is some achievement for anybody. You can be an inspiration for many struggling members here. Hope you stay around to help out the newer sufferers with your experience and positive attitude.

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