Just Joined

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Tom Barry, Apr 26, 2012.

    1. Tom Barry

      Tom Barry Member

      USA Connecticut
      Tinnitus Since:
      constant since april 2012
      Hi everyone. I am experiencing a more annoying bout today and decided to see if any forums existed about tinnitus. I saw this one and thought I shoud join. I have had tinnitus for several years now, but I cant remember exaxtly when it started. I think its at least 10 years. I dont have it all the time but its quite often and the symptoms last from hours to several days and then seem to subside for a while. Mine is a swooshing noise sometimes accompanied with a high pitch ringing. Mostly in my right ear but I have had it both on occasion. Anyway I wish you all the best and will read the posts you have written.

      As for me I am 62 years old live in USA ,Connecticut. I am married with 5 children and 11 grandchildren. They are all a blessing as is my wife.
    2. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      Welcome Tom, come on in, don't mind the noise.:)
    3. Philip Chilvers

      Philip Chilvers Member

      Newcastle upon Tyne
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi There,
      I'm Phil, my Tinnitus is self inflicted! I was a heavy metal fan and singer between 1987 and 1992. In 2003 I ironically attended a Coldplay concert. Normally you have tinnitus after exposing yourself to the noise levels of pop and rock concert (around 110+ decibels so I'm led to believe) for a day or two and then it goes however on this occasion I was left with a high pitched whistle which I have lived with since that day. I don't think for one minute that it was simply that one concert that is to blame as I had been exposing myself to high noise levels at rock discos in nightclubs, heavy metal concerts, band rehearsals and my own band's gigs. Perhaps it was just a case of the straw that broke the camels back?! I still listen to heavy metal (at a reasonable sound intensity!) and go to heavy metal concerts (using musician's earplugs that reduce noise by 16 decibels.)
    4. AUTHOR
      Tom Barry

      Tom Barry Member

      USA Connecticut
      Tinnitus Since:
      constant since april 2012
      Hi Phil I see you are musician. I also have been a working musician most of my life. I play guitar sometimes bass sometimes 6 string. I have been working in bands along time and was wondering if you are still playing despite your tinnitus. I have always loved being in bands but think maybe I should stop because of the tinnitus. Can you play with musician earplugs. I remember once I was in a band that the drummers snare would hurt my ear. I tried an ear plug but found it bothered me. Anyway, thanks for the reply.
    5. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak

      how long has tinnitus been "banging on your door"

      i got hit about 20 years ago but amazingly got very comfortable with it (faded from attention) after a couple years but then late last year i got whacked again

      same deal again this time as last ototoxic drugs and noise exposure..one two punch

      welcome to this place



      yeah me too, i feel like "i did it to myself" at least the noise part

      an i think you are right...it aint the last incident thats all to blame...many episode of damage followed by one last hit that strips the inner ear of the last functioning cells in that areas of the cochlea, and then voila...we get to "hear" those frequencies all the time

      the final straw....

      nice to meet you

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