Greetings from a Spaniard Tinnitus Sufferer

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by siroconoto, Aug 19, 2013.

    1. siroconoto

      siroconoto Member

      Santander, Spain
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi everyone, I´m a 32 years old guy from Spain. Looking on the Internet I´ve found this forum months ago and I decided to read some of the threads before writing. English isn´t a strong language for me when I want to explain ideas (it´s easy to realize this, no?....hahahaha, I apologize for my poor English expresive skills!) but I think that this forum is the best place for T sufferers that I´ve discovered on the Net.

      I suffer from T caused by acoustic trauma since a year (I used to hear loud music for hours meanwhile I was training indoor cycling); first times were a nightmare and nowadays I bear it as best as I can. My T is quite strange: I have I in the right ear that consist in a permanent nor very loud sound like the TV static noise or white noise but sometimes I also hear a intermittent noise close to the Doppler noise, like car engines that are getting closer to me.

      I was completely ignorant about this condition however when I was trapped by T I discovered that most of my musical heroes have also T.

      I try to carry a normal life: I have to confess that I miss the silence, mainly when I go to bed but I fall asleep quickly and also in the mornings because T mixes when the sounds of nature near to my house (the see, birds, the wind…). I try to read, to do exercise and all the kind of things I did before T. I have nor hearing loss neither hyperacusis, so I feel fortunate at that point. Months ago, when T started I was taking benzos for 5 month because I suffered a huge anxiety but one day I decided to change my mood to a more positive one. I´m a little obsessive person, but I can control that.

      Doctors here have a very poor idea about this condition and some of them didn´t talk clearly, so they confused my mind, but reading the information you post here is helping me a lot, thanks!... and nowadays I´m sure a cure will be possible in the near future. I feel full of hope. Today I find out that a member has travelled to Bangkok to be treated… a brave person, no doubt. Scientific knowledge changes and become more subtle and deep every day.

      If someone want to talk to me about whatever I´ll be pleasured.

      Thank you all in this forum again!
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    2. Sherri786

      Sherri786 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello siroconoto, thank you for your post, it's the same situation with doctors here in Canada :(
      • Like Like x 1
    3. AUTHOR

      siroconoto Member

      Santander, Spain
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Sherri796!

      Thank you for replying me. Doctors have here an attitude of being undeniable, I´m not a doctor but I´m not stupid and some of them tried to make me believe that my problem was Eustachian Tube Dysfunction,but after some research I concluded that it was a mistaken diagnosis and I have an argument with them (they said they work with facts however they prefered to point out my anxiety and not to consider facts like that Eustachian Tube Dysfunction not causes the kind of noise I hear but causes another symptoms that I don´t suffer like hearing loss). If you are an ignorant in some field or problem, please, recognize your knowledge limitations because it´s necessary if you want to get a solution.....Doctors have too much social power and some of them behave like owning the absolute truth and trying to mock you because you don´t have some specific kind of studies.

      Nowadays I want to see an true specialist because, if it´s possible I want to know some facts (for example: cloud be possible to have a real image of your damaged hair cells or the par of your brain that is overactive?)

      If you want to tell me something specific about your condition or simply talk or give me some kind of advice I´ll be sincerely grateful.
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    4. James White

      James White Member Benefactor

      Toulouse, France
      Tinnitus Since:
      April 2013
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Maybe loud music. Not sure.
      Welcome to the forums siroconoto, i have to agree with you, i also think tinnitustalk is the best place for T on the web because it's neutral and everyone is respectful !

      I think we have a lot in common, my T is in my right ear, sounds a lot like TV, noise trauma i guess, i work at university also, and riding my bike is one of the best activities i have today, i don't use any masker to sleep because i don't want it to remind me of the tinnitus

      by the way, i'm not really a fan of TOTO but hey, no one is perfect hehe !

      Have a nice browsing around :)
      • Like Like x 2
    5. Sherri786

      Sherri786 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello siroconoto, good to read your post , as it makes me feel positive ! Thank you. Tonight my T is very very low , am very surprised and very happy :) but I'll wait and see how it is when I wake up tomorrow morning ! Too soon to get to happy lol ! Take care
      And I hope you're having a good day with a calmT. Yes you're right ,I had to do all my own research and treatment , all that my doctor did was give me some anti depressant sleeping pills... Which I threw away lol. I drink camomile tea and I take two magnesium supplements for a good night's sleep.
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    6. AUTHOR

      siroconoto Member

      Santander, Spain
      Tinnitus Since:

      Hi JW!

      Thank for your reception!

      As you prefectly say whe have a lot in common.... acoustic trauma you too?, caused by loud music?... sometines T is the price you have to pay for passion and..... ignorance (at least, my case).... Toto didn´t cause my T.... I guess it was somehing more contemporary and powerful! :-D
    7. AUTHOR

      siroconoto Member

      Santander, Spain
      Tinnitus Since:

      Hi Sherri786!

      I feel very grateful if reading me helps you a little. It flatters me! Thanks!

      It´s pleasant to hear that your T is being "benevolent" with you for a while. I hope it lasts as long as possible.

      If camomile and magnesium works for you, perfect. After antidepressant and benzos I started drinking a passiflora infusion, if you want to try.... when you accept T probably you don´t need that but its taste was good for me!

    8. Sherri786

      Sherri786 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi ! That's quite a co incidence ! I've been taking passiflora herbal pills thrice a day as suggested by a spiritual healer and I must say
      My T remains very calm, if I don't eat spicy food and avoid sugar , caffeine etc .

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