My Brain Wants to Listen to All Sounds All the Time

Discussion in 'Health Talk' started by HiThere, Jan 29, 2015.

    1. HiThere

      HiThere Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Delivery by forceps? Childhood ear infections?
      I've had lifelong T and H.

      My hearing is very good/hyper sensitive even with the continuous ringing of T.

      My biggest issue has always been that my brain seems to want to focus on all sounds equally. Is there a disorder which identifies such an issue?


      If I'm listening to someone in conversation my brain will strain to give the same level of focus to all other background noises but will try to identify and analyze each type of background noise equally.

      Conversation outside in the summer:

      • I'm trying to listen to the person talking to me
      • I'm hearing the leaves rustle on the trees in the background but not as background noise - hyper aware of the noise they're making.
      • Any other background noise going on in addition will also command my brain's attention trying to identify, analyze and isolate.
      What is this?
    2. Sound Wave

      Sound Wave Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably headphones
      Some sort of adult ADHD? You might benefit from attention & focus exercises...
      • Useful Useful x 1
    3. AUTHOR

      HiThere Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Delivery by forceps? Childhood ear infections?
      Interesting suggestion. I will look into this as you may be on to something. I can't help but wonder if there is a link between ADHD and auditory stimuli. Having T and H all my life, sound in some ways is an assault to my senses and is very much a source of distraction.

      Thank you for your suggestion.
    4. Sound Wave

      Sound Wave Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably headphones
      I myself have problems with attention and focus. I am pretty sure T plays some sort of a role with that. I should practice mindfulness and meditation, but I can't seem to make myself do it... :banghead: :)
      • Like Like x 1
      • Funny Funny x 1

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