My Story

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Viking, Jul 24, 2014.

    1. Viking
      No Mood

      Viking Member Benefactor

      Hi all! I've bilateral fluctuating tinnitus on high frequency and related hearing loss (probably since i was born 1980...never problem to speak or hearing) since 2006 (i'm 34). I have tried all included neurovascular compression of VIII nerve at left side because at the UZA (Belgium) the Doctors have seen a likely responsible bloodvessel conflict. Surgery was performed in 2008 with a partial result. Before surgery, according with Dirk De Ridder, i've tried all medications available: cortisone,glycerol,gabapentin,tolep,flupentixol,solian,rivotril (it gave relief), topamax,tegretol (partial relief with too much and severe side effects),lamictal,lyrica (the most bad),amitryptiline and nortriptiline (stopped because too high heartbeat at low dosage), stellate ganglion blocking, intravenous lidocaine, tms, rtms, promomntory stimulation, DC stimulation, intratimpanic desametasone, acupuncture. In 2009,after surgery, was resigned and lived just using Rivotril, valerian and melatonin before going to bed. Quality life was acceptable and i have also accidentally discovered that using cannabis improved my condition. Last year 2013 I made a terrible mistake in good beasts... use hearing aids! Italian doctors (i'm italian) felt that I could benefit them because of my hearing loss...after 1 mounth the tinnitus EXPLODES! Rivotril do nothing now! it's an an incredible condition. When i refer about the worsening they talk to me about i was DEPRESSED! Removed the hearing aid they gave me the tinnitus maskers with white noise... ANOTHER TRAGIC WORSEN! I was ( on suicide! Removed but the tinnitus do not come back to the previous level. Now is strange (and present) too. But something has changed. Now, after the worst day, it is likely that the next day Hugely DISAPPEARING (both ears) and return with all his forces, or at left or righ side, at 3 or 4:00 pm (evening). I also use a dental bite but i haven't ATM problems. On the last october i was really depressed and they gave me Cipralex and results...switched on Zoloft but stopped because i have too side effect and the tinnitus continued to deteriorate. i have stopped all. use only rivotril day/night. Sorry for my long post and poor english, i'm here because today I bought the Trobalt 100mg, because I followed the relations with autifony. I'm looking for a chance in my destroyed life. I will update you on my progress with it, hoping against hope to get some relief. 1000 thanks for your contribution. I have always read without being registered. Thanks all.
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    2. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:

      Im sorry to hear that your tinnitus has taken the turn for the worse, hopefully it will settle down if you give it some time.

      Anyways, I have to say thank you for keeping us updated about your Trobalt experience!

      Best wishes!
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    3. AUTHOR
      No Mood

      Viking Member Benefactor

      Thank you my friend! This is horrible time for me! I can not to have more social relationships ... frequent urination from nervous tension .... inability to sleep now ... I took my 2mg of Rivotril are 8 years old ... I take it ... yesterday was my 34th birthday.

    4. James
      No Mood

      James Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Pulsing 03/2013
      Ivan welcome. You've been thru a lot. I hope you can find something good and maybe helpful about the forum. It helped me. Seems like unless you have T, people don't understand. Thanks for joining and sharing your story.

      Oh, that personal experience with hearing aids. I may be there in the future. Yes, please update us. After reading your story, I care and want you to find that chance in your life. God Bless and Happy Birthday.
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