Comments on Profile Post by Apolonia

  1. Contrast
    Aug 13, 2018
    Apolonia likes this.
  2. Contrast
    This page states hyperacusis is triggered by OHC's which release ATP which activates the Type II afferent nerve fibers to act as pain receptors. This happens naturally with 120db+ noise but the hypothesis is painful hyperacusis lowers the tolerance level that activates the Type II afferent nerve fibers once OHC's are damaged.
    Aug 13, 2018
    Apolonia likes this.
  3. Apolonia
    Is there a possible treatment that does not include hair cell regeneration?
    Aug 13, 2018
  4. dpdx
    How are you doing?
    Aug 15, 2018
  5. Apolonia
    the same. Nothing has changed except from hyperacusis.. It is better now. Sometimes it comes back but then goes back to normal. I am still scared of the condition getting worse but I am more prepared now and I am ready to wear hearing aids in the near future if the condition gets worse
    Aug 16, 2018