Comments on Profile Post by h-m-1994

  1. h-m-1994
    This world is full of too many drunkards who think they know their shit. "Yeah, tapping on a fragile part of the body with metal is the MOST IMPORTANT THING"
    Sep 17, 2018
  2. h-m-1994
    I have tinnitus from stress and TTTS, I am hoping to get them treated, I dont need an old woman to cause me any more problems. All I asked was to put some olive oil in the ear, not tap on the ear with metal that MAY POTENTIALLY DAMAGE IT. Stupid boomers.
    Sep 17, 2018
  3. Contrast
    this is stupid and will do nothing for your tinnitus.
    Sep 18, 2018
  4. h-m-1994
    @Contrast OK. It's probably more of the suddenness that made it a bit stressful. Haven't noticed any changes so I should be in the clear. If only the NHS were more quick to respond.
    Sep 18, 2018