Comments on Profile Post by streeter1985

  1. Contrast
    yes if tinnitus is super loud one may have a lot of hidden hearing loss.
    Oct 17, 2018
  2. streeter1985
    @Contrast do you think that loudness of T is connected to the amount of loss?
    Oct 17, 2018
  3. Leoglobe
    I think that the loudness of the t is related to the number of neurons disconnected and excited and looking for the inner hair cells. My grand father was really deaf but didn’t t have tinnitus because his hearing loss was very gradual and he became deaf at 70 he didn’t have many auditory neurons left maybe, they maybe pretty much died at the same time than than his hair cells.
    Oct 29, 2018
    streeter1985 and Manny like this.
  4. Leoglobe
    on the contrary there are a lot of young people with loud t and minimal hearing loss, they got this from a shock usually (acoustic or ototoxic) and I suppose that as they are young their neurons are very healthy and actively looking for the hair cells but those have been destroyed. It is of course an hypothesis but that s what would make sense to me to explain why some deaf people don t get t.
    Oct 29, 2018
    streeter1985 likes this.
  5. streeter1985
    Interesting idea. In fact the age related hearing loss seems like a normal process to me but of course every shock to your body no matter what or where or at what age could bring you in a new (unwanted) health situation - like a stroke etc. after my hearing loss I had around one month no Tinnitus ... I really dont know!
    Oct 31, 2018