Comments on Profile Post by PDodge

  1. Red
    Same reason why adult luna moths literally don't have mouths and have to mate asap after becoming adults before they die of starvation.

    Nature is not optimized. Humans are not optimized. Even at 100% peak health we are not optimized. For example, homo sapiens reproduction should be considered the laughing stock of the animal kingdom.
    Nov 9, 2018
    summ, Manny and PDodge like this.
  2. PDodge
    @Red it's too bad we are cognizant of this. I wish my life span was one week post T.
    Nov 9, 2018
  3. Red
    I wish 21st century humans weren't so arrogant. We're not advanced. No, technology isn't great. We're living in the past and many of the things we take for fact will be proven to be completely moronic in the future. Some humility could help us grow, including in the health department if you know what I mean.
    Nov 9, 2018
    Gman, Autumnly and Manny like this.
  4. PDodge
    @Red yep. I love the game Halo and I think often of what their technology is to restore humans to full potential
    Nov 9, 2018