Comments on Profile Post by DWoods.

  1. Contrast
    This forum is a great place to gather experiences of what to or not do with tinnitus, hearing loss and other otological conditions. Learning common mistakes and experiences of others is so helpful
    Dec 26, 2018
  2. Taylorslay
    I'm not as active as I use to be. But I still check the site every week or 2. Just what Contrast said above is a perfect response. I have to admit, this site is a real downer. @DWoods.
    Jan 3, 2019
  3. Taylorslay
    I've been on this site since Oct of 2017 and I've seen the same people on the website for over a year now still drowning their lives in troubles and sorrows. (Not to name any names) but one particular person who comes to mind posts constantly on this forum. Someone whom I've messaged privately and tried so very hard to help.
    Jan 3, 2019
  4. Taylorslay
    This person actually ended up hurting themselves further because of their extreme anxiety. They ended up irrigating their ears (obv not a good idea) and developed Hyperacusis for a 2nd time.

    This all happened because he allowed all of this to ruin his life.
    Jan 3, 2019
  5. Taylorslay
    But do not be foolish. I'm not spreading false positivity. I want you to be a realist and do what makes you feel comfortable. Be knowledgeable. If you are not ready for something don't force yourself to get better. Know your strenghs and know your weaknesses. For example, I know when I need to wear earplugs and we I shouldn't. But don't be in constant fear to feel the need to be in silence all the time.
    Jan 3, 2019
  6. Taylorslay
    Thats a bit overkill.
    Jan 3, 2019
  7. Taylorslay
    I know my response has been all over the place, but I hope you find it helpful.
    Jan 3, 2019