Comments on Profile Post by Bob den Hartog

  1. Drone Draper
    Drone Draper
    How is the T when you wear them? Heightened?
    Apr 9, 2019
  2. Strife_84
    Oh, I spent few hours with my earplugs on and I forgot about them. I actually felt better with them on. After I took them off my T was better for few minutes but came back.
    Apr 9, 2019
    Drone Draper likes this.
  3. Bob den Hartog
    Bob den Hartog
    @Drone Draper, extremely heightened. Only wear them when I also have the dishwasher running that night. My ears still need to readjust to sounds.
    Apr 9, 2019
    Drone Draper likes this.
  4. Bob den Hartog
    Bob den Hartog
    @Strife_84, I also usually feel better when they’re in, since I can tell myself the heightened T isn’t real, is not as loud as compared to regular sounds, it’s just my perception. Also, you don’t need to think about environment sounds. But I overplugged for a month due to pain hyperacusis, so I really need to work on desensitization and plug as little as possible.
    Apr 9, 2019
    Drone Draper likes this.
  5. Bob den Hartog
    Bob den Hartog
    I do think, and have experienced, that the more you wear them, the more your T will spike.
    Apr 9, 2019
    Drone Draper likes this.