Comments on Profile Post by GSC

  1. TheDanishGirl
    ha ha, good one :D
    Apr 27, 2019
    GSC and Jack Straw like this.
  2. TheDanishGirl
    Birds are far cooler then humans. They were around when dinosaurs were. They have been on earth much longer then humans.
    Apr 27, 2019
    Artazanasss and GSC like this.
  3. just1morething
    I seen the male Cardinal that has been banging on my windows lately. He was doing the Cardinal call about 2-3 feet away from me. I think he was telling me that "I have better ears than you human".
    Apr 27, 2019
  4. GSC
    I wish we were around back when dinos existed, we would've died a lot, but maybe we could've regenerated our ears.
    Apr 27, 2019
  5. sleepingsiren
    fuck da birds
    Apr 27, 2019
  6. Striveon
    Why would birds need regenerations...? Ughh.. lucky bastards.
    Apr 27, 2019
  7. Strife_84
    Oh there is a bird near my bedroom window. Chirping just on the right frequency to mess with my H. I usually like birds but...
    Apr 27, 2019
  8. GSC
    There's so many birds chirping outside of my window and I'm just like bruh...... how unfair is this. ALSO why do sea animals regenerate too. THEY'RE UNDERWATER.
    Apr 27, 2019
    Artazanasss, Bill Bauer and Strife_84 like this.