Comments on Profile Post by Chester

  1. Mymlan
    What happened after 8 months? I’m happy to hear that you recovered so well! Was your T noise induced?
    Jun 21, 2019
    Striveon likes this.
  2. Jack Straw
    Jack Straw
    Post this in sucess story please @Chester
    Jun 21, 2019
  3. Chester
    @Mymlan No, my tinnitus is not noise induced. It was a heavy wax buildup. After 8 months I resumed all of my favorite activities that I used to do before getting tinnitus. Because the tiniitus itself became less and less intrusive, and the volume of the sound in my tinnitus ear started to decrease which paved the way for me to forget about tinnitus and focus on what I want and like to do.
    Jun 22, 2019
  4. Chester