Comments on Profile Post by LilSass

  1. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    Hello my friend, So so. I'll be honest, not sure why but for the last week or so I've been a little bummed about this whole T thing hitting me again. More than anything I'm just angry. I beat this thing and then to have to put up with it again really sucks. Anyway just venting a bit. How are you? Did you see your Dr. yet?
    Jun 2, 2020
    Angela Riffe likes this.
  2. LilSass
    Yeah, he's ordered a CT scan and I'll go back for an nasopharynoscopy to check my eustachian tubes. Not very hopeful. Have you ever tried TRT or any kind of therapy? I need to move forward no matter.
    Jun 2, 2020
  3. LilSass
    So sorry you're having a difficult time. It's not always easy to stay positive - I feel like a bit of an emotional yo-yo sometimes too. I signed up for that Mindful Tinnitus online program and am reading the book that goes with it - it is helping a little bit so far.
    Jun 2, 2020
  4. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    Yep, I think of it as a roller coaster ride. So do you have any hearing problems? I've never tried TRT, I have heard Dr. Gans speak, hopefully the program helps you keep me posted. First time around I just prayed a lot and kinda hung in there until I eventually habituated.
    Jun 2, 2020
  5. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    This time around I need to just stop being angry and move on. I'll get there, I know I will it's just a bit hard when your in the storm. So what's the weather like up in your neck of the woods today?
    Jun 2, 2020
  6. LilSass
    It's finally summer here! Not as hot as last week, which is nice, I'm not very good in the heat (red hair - fair skin). Hearing tests came back fine, but then they only test up to a 8kHz, so who knows?
    Jun 2, 2020
    Eloy Resendez Jr likes this.
  7. LilSass
    On top of all of the t bs I'm still having a lot of neck/shoulder/back pain/migraines. I sure hope I have the strength to get through this, I'm certainly running out of patience! :)
    Jun 2, 2020
  8. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    Man, what a bummer, I'm sorry to hear that. Sucks having aches and pains with T. And then Migraines. I'll keep you in my prayers. So you don't like the heat, ha, ha. I don't blame you, I'm use to it. Down here it's super hot most of the year. Well whenever you want to vent or just talk feel free to reach out. We all need support.
    Jun 2, 2020
  9. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    Btw, your stronger than you think. That other day you asked about church and faith. Don't know if you've ever heard of Joyce Meyers. Anyway I listen to her a lot. She's very practical and kinda just tells it like it is. Listen faith is not always easy, I've been a follower for a long time and still struggle sometimes. Anyway just food for thought. Hang in there! Have a good evening.
    Jun 2, 2020
  10. LilSass
    Thx Elroy. That really means a lot to me. I like Joyce Meyers too - she's one tough cookie! We'll get thru this together! Take care :)
    Jun 2, 2020
    Eloy Resendez Jr likes this.
  11. LilSass
    Watched some Joyce Meyer yesterday - found her program is on everyday at 10am, so I will sneak away from work for a bit! Damn physio was really rough on my back, hence the resulting migraine. I can't seem to get it right! Ugh! :P
    Jun 4, 2020
  12. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    Good morning Sarah, love Joyce. You know her husband has tinnitus and she was recently diagnosed with substantial hearing loss in one of her ears. Well that stinks, sorry your physio was so rough. How are you holding up? Does your T impact what you do for a living?
    Jun 4, 2020
  13. LilSass
    Migraines are more of an issue, but yes, it makes it difficult to concentrate sometimes. I can't believe that every time I try to do something that is supposed to help it just makes me feel worse. My shoulder hurts so much, this sucks!
    Jun 4, 2020
  14. LilSass
    Sorry for venting, I just want to feel better! WTF!
    Jun 4, 2020
  15. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    No worries, say what you feel. Scream if you have to. Cry if you have to. Pain on top of pain sucks. I get it. In reality we've got to mourn our old selves. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "It's okay, to not be okay", it's just not good to stay there. Man I can relate. Vent all you want, I'm hear to listen. But remember, at the end of the day, life goes on.
    Jun 4, 2020
  16. LilSass
    Thank you so much Elroy! It's just so frustrating. I just can't believe my life right now. Thank God I am able to work from home. Trying to stay positive!
    Jun 4, 2020
    Eloy Resendez Jr likes this.
  17. LilSass
    Hope you're doing okay today :)
    Jun 4, 2020
    Eloy Resendez Jr likes this.
  18. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    Actually had a really good day yesterday and today is okay. T is loud when I don't sleep well, but I'm really just trying to be positive like you and working on my state of mind. I'm learning that being angry about this doesn't help me at all. How long have you been dealing with this?
    Jun 4, 2020
  19. LilSass
    I've been dealing with migraines for about 10yrs. It's more painful since I started treatment in the past 2 mos. It can take 6 mos for muscle to heal. Sucks!
    Jun 4, 2020
  20. LilSass
    Glad you're having good days! It makes it easier when youre having bad ones
    Jun 4, 2020
  21. Eloy Resendez Jr
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    I feel for you Sarah, I've had bad headaches before, but not sure I know what a migraine feels like. Hopefully your healing will come sooner rather than later.
    Jun 4, 2020
    LilSass likes this.
  22. LilSass
    Thank you! I was making some progress with the physio, then he wanted to try a different technique, and now I have a migraine. Back to the drawing board! Mine are caused from muscle tension, so I gat double whammy#
    Jun 4, 2020