Comments on Profile Post by oceanofsound26

  1. oceanofsound26
    My feet evert/supinate, rotate in towards the midline, and have been stuck in plantarflexion while the right foot rolls off the heel towards the metatarsal region which raises the right foot as it rotates. For anyone with previous military experience, the right foot movement is similar to performing a left face.
    Jun 9, 2020
  2. oceanofsound26
    Movements of the feet causes the tibias to internally rotate, loss of terminal knee extension, my right knee to rotate in towards the midline, and my hips to externally rotate while my pelvis rotates towards the right causing misaligned hips sloping downward to the left.
    Jun 9, 2020
  3. oceanofsound26
    The resulting muscular imbalances in the lower and upper body creates a series of micro-rotations and patterns of of flexion/extension up the spine leaving my thoracic spine jammed up. my torso and shoulders rotated to the left sloping downward to the right, and my neck rotated to the right sloping downward to the left.
    Jun 9, 2020
  4. oceanofsound26
    All of which can help cause atlas misalignment, TMJ thru TM joints coming out of the joint space and jaw misaligning (possibly rotating as well following the atlas), ETD, breathing difficulties, potential blood flow issues, and a host of other problems.
    Jun 9, 2020
  5. oceanofsound26
    Luckily, once the chain of misalignment and dysfunction is mapped and understood, these problems are fixable.
    Jun 9, 2020
  6. oceanofsound26
    Seriously - Check your feet and then see if your neck, shoulders/torso, and hips/pelvis are permanently torqued to one side or the other. For every misalignment or imbalance in the human kinetic chain, there is an equal and opposite compensation that occurs downstream.
    Jun 9, 2020
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