Comments on Profile Post by Nadia231

  1. Steph1710
    1 month is not enough time to judge. It's taken almost three months to get back to my baseline before my horrid spike. Don't give up hope just yet x x <3
    Sep 26, 2020
    Tweedleman and Nadia231 like this.
  2. Tweedleman
    take NAC and wait like 6 months imo
    Sep 26, 2020
    JPGL, Steph1710 and Nadia231 like this.
  3. Nadia231
    NAC did not do anything when I first got tinnitus. But I'm definitely giving it a go again... I'm quite desperate
    Sep 26, 2020
  4. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    Give it another month. If it doesn't begin fading after two months, perhaps your fears are justified. After just one month there is still hope.
    Sep 27, 2020
    Nadia231 likes this.