Comments on Profile Post by Alfred87

  1. Julien87
    That sucks. I don't know if you tend to monitor it, but if you do you should avoid that, it is a very bad idea and will lessen the chances that it fades.
    Hang in there Alfred
    Nov 13, 2020
    starrynights, Alfred87 and Steph1710 like this.
  2. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    Have you been protecting your ears from the noises that don't feel right?
    Nov 14, 2020
    MBH likes this.
  3. Alfred87
    @Julien87 i never put much expectation T will be faded away fully. My T only noticeable and loud in quiet environment. I can see many floaters after developed T. T can cause your brain sensitive to what you seen.
    Nov 14, 2020
  4. Alfred87
    @Bill Bauer i never overprotecting my ears unless those noises are unbearable and uncomfortable. Of cause I will get rid of it
    Nov 14, 2020