Comments on Profile Post by GSC

  1. GSC
    T is still here, I suffered a spike recently because of my computer, but the spike is down and at the level it was at before.
    Dec 3, 2020
    aot likes this.
  2. GSC
    My tinnitus is low and I'm almost two years in - sometimes, it goes completely away. In the mornings,
    Dec 3, 2020
    aot likes this.
  3. GSC
    It can barely be heard and seemingly nothing.
    Dec 3, 2020
    aot likes this.
  4. GSC
    The fading has been slow, but it has been consistent, but again, very slow.
    Dec 3, 2020
    aot likes this.
  5. GSC
    I still take mag. I only indulge in NAC whenever I feel like a noise was too loud for my ears or out for a long day.
    Dec 3, 2020
    ALS and aot like this.
  6. GSC
    My T regulates itself. It is very soft. Sometimes like a whisper.
    Dec 3, 2020
    aot likes this.
  7. GSC
    My point is for some of the newbies, though, I'm still classified as one - that it's a long process.
    Dec 3, 2020
    Bill Bauer and aot like this.
  8. GSC
    If your T is going to change and accommodate for the best - you need to allow your ears the time to do so.
    Dec 3, 2020
    ALS, Bill Bauer and aot like this.
  9. GSC
    You have to be resilient with your protection.
    Dec 3, 2020
    ALS, Bill Bauer and aot like this.
  10. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    We have been deceived into expecting technological progress in the future. More and more it appears that all the future will have to offer is deterioration.
    Dec 3, 2020
  11. twa
    Dec 3, 2020
  12. Theron L
    Theron L
    @Bill Bauer lol what makes you say that? Are there not promising clinical trials in p2 going towards p3?
    Dec 3, 2020
  13. GSC
    I think the point Bill is trying to make that there is always something promising for how long he's been on here, but it's also always never like fully fleshed out either. Somehow, it drops the ball.
    Dec 4, 2020