Comments on Profile Post by Jebbis

  1. Steph1710
    Yup. I have a migraine pretty much five days out of seven. Have done since I was 10, and I’m now 31. So I can sympathise. <3
    May 20, 2021
    Jebbis likes this.
  2. Jebbis
    @Steph1710 ah I'm so sorry to hear that..head pain really is such a bummer. Mine gets worse in the extreme cold and extreme heat but I don't think I'd consider it migraine level...I am terribly sorry you deal with chronic pain like that. I should feel lucky, mine is mostly motion induced so if I stay still it sometimes goes away
    May 21, 2021
  3. Steph1710
    @Jebbis yeah the weather definitely impacts mine - the cold especially. Even if yours aren’t migraines, headaches still suck. Tbh, my health is so shit, the migraines are the least of my problems haha! Still, we’ve gotta keep going, haven’t we. How have your ears been btw? X
    May 21, 2021
    Jebbis likes this.
  4. Jebbis
    @Steph1710 yes we must persevere. My ears are doing okay, still ringy dingy in the right one but the tone has been changing which gives me hope that it might fade into a hiss. How are your ears? Are you still feeling dizzy? I'm blessed that I haven't encountered any balance problems yet
    May 21, 2021