Comments on Profile Post by Martinf

  1. twa
    @Martinf I have the same thing. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding my son if he's facing the other way or in another room. Can I ask the decibel you can hear at 6khz and 8khz?
    Jun 13, 2021
  2. Martinf
    30db at 6khz and 40db at 8khz. What about you?
    Jun 14, 2021
  3. twa
    Jun 14, 2021
  4. Forever hopeful
    Forever hopeful
    I think many people have challenges hearing people speak in loud environments. That is pretty normal. I have extremely mild hearing loss in only one ear and the last time it was tested it was actually back in the normal range. But I usually surround myself with so much noise to block out the Tinnitus that when people talk to me I can’t hear them.
    Jun 15, 2021