Comments on Profile Post by twa

  1. Stacken77
    @twa I think, if you use earplugs, preferably moulded with interchangeable filters, you could choose the filter with highest attenuation yet still allows you to hear what is being said. If you're careful, and pay attention to sounds that causes discomfort and try to avoid them, I believe you'll be fine.
    Jun 20, 2021
    Damocles and twa like this.
  2. twa
    @Stacken77 have you attended f2f classes recently? I think because it is summer and the pandemic we will be able to spread out in the lectures. It's sitting and listening for long periods of time that concerns me. At home I can take breaks and I have control over the volume.
    Jun 20, 2021
    Damocles likes this.
  3. Stacken77
    @twa Sorry, I didn't speak from experience, just my general recommendation regarding hearing protection. Hyperacusis can be very tricky, so I would be careful. If you utilize maximum feasible protection, while paying attention and avoiding that which causes discomfort, I believe you will be fine. Someone else with more experience; gladly chime in.
    Jun 20, 2021
    Damocles and twa like this.
  4. Damocles
    Basically what @Stacken77 said.

    Wear musicians earplugs.

    I'd recommend using a filter with an SNR level of between 15 and 20dB, but you should experiment to find what's right for you. Go to your first class, see how well you do with the higher level, and if you're having trouble hearing/understanding, switch to a lower level.
    Jun 20, 2021
    twa likes this.
  5. Damocles
    I've been doing f2f classes for three years now and I couldn't have passed any of them without my ACS customs.
    Jun 20, 2021
    twa likes this.
  6. twa
    @Stacken77 I appreciate the input. I think I remember you recently graduated??? My friend is a college professor and she is still teaching online classes for her school.
    Jun 20, 2021
  7. twa
    @Damocles I have custom Westones. I’ll take them and the filters. I’m still not proficient in which one is most appropriate for each setting. Sometimes, they start to get uncomfortable after a few hours. I’m might try and see if I can take breaks in wearing earplugs depending on the classroom environment after I get down there.
    Jun 21, 2021
    Damocles likes this.
  8. Stacken77
    @twa It is correct I recently graduated. Thankfully, the entirety of 2020 and this semester was taught from home due to covid. I acquired my T and H in October last year, so I never had to have f2f classes with these conditions.
    Jun 21, 2021
    twa likes this.