Comments on Profile Post by Freerunner

  1. Stacken77
    @Freerunner Did it stay even after sleep? I've had fleeting tinnitus that has lasted many hours, but a good nights sleep will usually reset it.
    Jan 11, 2022
    NYCGuy likes this.
  2. Freerunner
    @Stacken77 I had a sleepless night due to the spike and I experienced the fleeting tinnitus episode mid night. However, when it subsided, it was not fully gone and now the tone stayed.
    Jan 11, 2022
    Steph1710 likes this.
  3. Freerunner
    The spike was most probably caused by taking a walk outside.
    Jan 11, 2022
  4. Steph1710
    @Freerunner your T case sounds very similar to mine. Even with the fleeting T episode which never fully went. If it gives you some hope, my 8/10 tinnitus, eventually after a year, subsidised.
    Jan 11, 2022
    Guest5401 and NYCGuy like this.
  5. Freerunner
    @Steph1710 , what was the cause for you? Did you have hyperacusis as well and was your tinnitus reactive? I do not know about your case, but I just keep adding new tones and at the moment T is reacting to me speaking and spikes.
    Jan 11, 2022
  6. Steph1710
    @Freerunner I got my T from taken doxycycline for 6 months. But I’m pretty sure years of blasting loud music had already accumulated damage and the doxy finished my ears off. When I first developed T, is was mild/moderate, then eventually became almost nonexistent. However, a few months in and I had an episode of fleeting T that stayed - it was loud, like 9/10 loud. And I developed loads of different sounds/tones.
    Jan 11, 2022
    Guest5401 and NYCGuy like this.
  7. Steph1710
    I couldn’t mask it, it was reactive and then a few weeks later I developed mild hyperacusis. This was all on top of my already very loud and intrusive pulsatile tinnitus - go me yay! Anyway, fast forward a year, I’ve had my ups and down, but most days my T is now at a level I can easily mask with everyday sounds.
    Jan 11, 2022
    Guest5401 and NYCGuy like this.
  8. Steph1710
    Sometimes it still becomes loud, but other times, I have to check that it’s even still there. I still have hyperacusis, and occasionally I have reactive T. Recently, I walked past a cat scarer which made this beeping sound, and I heard that beep for two weeks after. So, my ears still do weird things, but mainly they behave.
    Jan 11, 2022
    Guest5401, NYCGuy and aura like this.
  9. ThatGuyBenny
    Hey dude, I experienced the same exact thing, it's been 3-4 days for me. Has yours gone away?
    Nov 27, 2022
  10. Freerunner
    Hey @ThatGuyBenny, I think this has subsided back then. I have had more episodes like this but they are lasting hours for me tops. I am sorry you have it for days but it might still go down or diminish to the extend you don't notice it.
    Nov 27, 2022