Comments on Profile Post by Safari1999

  1. Steph1710
    @Safari1999 yup, that’s unfortunately how it goes. T is a real lil bitch.
    Apr 13, 2022
  2. Safari1999
    @Steph1710 Tinnitus is mild, hyperacusis is whats killing me
    Apr 13, 2022
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  3. Steph1710
    @Safari1999 oh I know! I have hyperacusis too. Basically, it’s all a bitch. I guess I’m just used to the burning ear pain which gets worse with every sound.
    Apr 15, 2022
    Safari1999 likes this.
  4. Safari1999
    @Steph1710 How long have you had H? I ask only about H because as annoying as my (mild) T is, I could live with it if it came alone.
    Apr 15, 2022
    Steph1710 likes this.
  5. Steph1710
    @Safari1999 my H developed about three months after T in 2020. It was fairly mild at first, but my boyfriend hit two plates together & it became a lot worse. However, it’s mild again these days. Only certain sounds now hurt, whereas any sound would hurt before. One thing that never improved was the sore/burning ear pain which I seem to have regardless of noise exposure.
    Apr 15, 2022
    Safari1999 likes this.
  6. Steph1710
    The pain is worse in the morning for some reason. Not sure if that’s even H related though.
    I’m sorry you’re suffering with H atm. Do you know what might have triggered it? X
    Apr 15, 2022
    Safari1999 likes this.
  7. Safari1999
    @Steph1710 Noise exposure, I used to play music very loudly through earphones until I noticed (v. minor) sensitivity/pain that would go away after a day. I continued to use earphones at a lower volume which still hurt. Also, I take the train/bus frequently. My current acoustic shock was caused by TV volume that was too loud. I guess my ears just got more and more damaged over the course of a year.
    Apr 15, 2022