Comments on Profile Post by Jsm_Joestar

  1. Mal25
    My hyperacusis is really bad and idk why a nerve pain keeps me from talking even whispering. My AC in my house they just hooked up is so loud 85-90 decibals so I went and got a hotel room for 3 days and didn't make too much progress on the high sounds but the nerve pain was lessened as long as I didn't talk.8 hours of this AC vibration and noise and I'm in pain and my tolerance is at zero.
    Aug 14, 2022
  2. Mal25
    Came back home now every noise hurts more . I'm almost ready to off myself.
    Aug 14, 2022
  3. Jsm_Joestar
    can't you do anything about the AC? Maybe get something that makes alot less noise. I have seen that alot of H cases get worse for some time and after stabilizing it gets better i hope thats also the case for you.
    Aug 14, 2022
    Mal25 likes this.
  4. Jsm_Joestar
    after my biggest setback everything hurt and i couldnt even click a pen withouth being in pain. My pain also used to be so bad it spread throughout my face and kept me awake at night luckily it went down. I still have H but i can do alot with a foam earplug in. I couldnt even talk with foam earplugs in 4 months ago now i can talk alot withouth them. I hope my case gives you some needed energy Mal.l.
    Aug 14, 2022
    Mal25 likes this.
  5. Mal25
    My auditory gain or autophony is so loud and idk why is it the hyperacusis doing this or me protecting my ears. I can hear clicks and pops in my ears and chewing and breathing is really loud. I can't even talk without nerve pain. I've contemplated offing myself several times.
    Aug 14, 2022
  6. Mal25
    I appreciate you bro
    Aug 14, 2022
    Jsm_Joestar likes this.