Comments on Profile Post by ErikaS

  1. Guywithapug
    We can only hope so. I've had reactive tinnitus now for a little over 2 years and hope that between Dr Shore's device, Xen and Biohaven we can get some degree of relief.
    Dec 27, 2022
    in_LA, ZFire and ErikaS like this.
  2. ErikaS
    @Guywithapug truly, we need something. I remember you saying the reactivity went away the first time you got it, but came back two years ago. Do you know what caused it to come back? Had it improved over the past two years? Also, what range is your hearing loss in?
    Dec 27, 2022
    ZFire and Guywithapug like this.
  3. Guywithapug
    @ErikaS Yes, I did have a 2 or 3 day bout of reactivity right around the onset of my tinnitus which went away only to come back again. I believe additional hearing loss caused it to return. Has it improved over 2 years? Yes and no. It appears to be less reactive but I think that's down to habituation, it's just less annoying. There are days when my baseline t is low and reactivity is low aswell.
    Dec 27, 2022
    ZFire and ErikaS like this.
  4. ErikaS
    @Guywithapug I read about your situation with the acoustic neuroma. So crazy how that happened. Was the reactivity back after that surgery ?
    Dec 28, 2022
    ZFire likes this.
  5. Guywithapug
    @ErikaS The reactivity was already back before the surgery. If you think tinnitus amd reactivity are bad, I had diplacusis for a day after surgery. Hearing different pitches in each ear.. So glad that went away with the steroids.

    Does your reactivity seem lower om certain days?
    Dec 28, 2022
  6. ErikaS
    @Guywithapug never did I know so many conditions existed with the ears, I wish I still didn’t :( did not experience displacusis, I do have distortions to heater, car, etc but I think that’s different. No, reactivity seems to be steady. I am (only) 4 mo. in, and if I’m right that I lost higher freq in my right ear around 12k hz & up, may just take my brain/ears a little longer to settle. I have TRT eval in Feb.
    Dec 28, 2022
    Guywithapug likes this.
  7. Guywithapug
    @ErikaS I wish you luck with your trt endeavor. You're still early in so hopefully there will be healing and progress. Have you had an audiogram done or tried one online? For me everything is good until 4khz and then dips sharply until 8khz which I can hear, then nothing beyond 8khz.
    Dec 29, 2022
  8. ErikaS
    @Guywithapug is the loss just in your affected ear from the neuroma? I have completed more than one audiogram up to 8k hz. All is within normal range, I’m at 0 up to 4k hz, then it dips a little at 6 and 8k, but it symmetrical & within normal range. Because no one would test past 8k, I did it myself at home & that’s when I discovered my right ear has notable loss around 12.5k & up compared to left.
    Dec 29, 2022
  9. Guywithapug
    @ErikaS Yeah, just the left ear, which surprisingly, can still hear fairly well given the amount of hearing loss I have in it. I sincerely hope we have hearing restoration in our lifetime because there's more to it than just the hearing deficit. Tinnitus, reactivity, hyperacusis etc are such terrible afflictions!
    Dec 29, 2022