Comments on Profile Post by Jackson Brady

  1. Sammy0225
    I waited like 4 months before doing sound therapy I did the silent protocol didn’t go out & ordered online. Once I noticed my reactiveness was calming down is when I started running the tap 5 min a day for 15 days then 10 minutes a day for 15 days the increments where every 15 calander days also around the same time I started hearing distant noises a football length away
    Jan 6, 2023
    Jackson Brady likes this.
  2. Sammy0225
    Your onset was in October? If you have given your ears rest since then you can try sound therapy but I would personally go from the day you started the silent protocol and not the day it all started. Magnisium I’ve been on since this past October it’s the only supplement I take
    Jan 6, 2023
    Jackson Brady likes this.
  3. Jackson Brady
    Jackson Brady
    You take magnesium daily since 2 months prior?
    Jan 6, 2023
    Sammy0225 likes this.
  4. Jackson Brady
    Jackson Brady
    I haven’t been in a complete silent protocol, but i sleep in silence no matter how intrusive T sounds. I tell myself that this will help my ears rest and heal and then somehow i manage to sleep with that thought
    Jan 6, 2023
    Sammy0225 and seppl like this.
  5. Sammy0225
    @Jackson Brady that is exactly what I did and still do don’t stop doing that. You on the right track and yea 0ct I started being dedicated to magnisium daily
    Jan 6, 2023
    Jackson Brady likes this.
  6. Jupiterman
    @Sammy0225. During your 'Silent protocol' Sammy. Did you still talk to people?
    Is there any sounds you allowed yourself to hear?
    Jan 7, 2023
    Sammy0225 likes this.
  7. Sammy0225
    @Jupiterman yea I still socialized with family in the house just told them to talk low around me, I allowed sound just nothing loud like music or tv I kept everything as low as possible I watched TV with no sound just subtitles and read alot. I knew when I had setbacks cause my hiss turned into a crystaly sound
    Jan 7, 2023
    Jackson Brady and Jupiterman like this.