Comments on Profile Post by ErikaS

  1. Matchbox
    what exactly is in your salad bowl of noises? I have a couple notches but it's as if satan himself decided to have a party in my ears.
    Apr 29, 2023
  2. ErikaS
    @Matchbox when I am around some ambient noise in my home (my kitchen with fridge running) I usually have 3-4 sounds, one being very high freq. which is where HL is, the others between 2-3 kHz but all can change some pitch due to reactivity.
    When I’m silence, it’s like more and more sounds slowly come out and range from low to high tones and can sound like random car horns, buzzing, etc.
    Apr 29, 2023
    Sammy0225 likes this.
  3. ErikaS
    I literally can have two ear fulls of 4 sounds in each and it’s beyond overwhelming. I don’t know why this happens. I don’t know why my ears/brain do this. I don’t know why I can walk from one room to the next and it present in a different “mode”.
    Apr 29, 2023
    SarahMLFlemmer and Sammy0225 like this.
  4. SarahMLFlemmer
    @ErikaS I miss silence. Silence now sounds like I've been hit by a flashbang.
    May 2, 2023