Comments on Profile Post by PennyCat

  1. tpj
    Have you tried anything for sleep?
    Jun 2, 2023
    Damocles, PennyCat and ZFire like this.
  2. PennyCat
    @tpj I take 50-100mg hydroxyzine, 5mg melatonin, and 400mg magnesium glycinate every night, but I’m still struggling with sleep :(
    Jun 2, 2023
  3. tpj
    Would you consider increasing the melatonin?
    Jun 2, 2023
    Damocles and PennyCat like this.
  4. RunningMan
    I can relate. I've been struggling with sleep for 16 months, and to some degree years longer. 25mg hydroxyzine used occasionally is only a little effective, melatonin has never done anything for me, zolpidem in small doses sublingual overnight when can't get back to sleep has helped. No luck with all supplements tried. Would like to try Dayvigo or Quviviq.
    Jun 2, 2023
    PennyCat likes this.
  5. sakrt
    My concern is so many drugs for sleep, including benzos lead to dementia after awhile, then FINALLY you can't remember.
    Jun 2, 2023
    PennyCat likes this.
  6. PennyCat
    @tpj I might have to experiment with that. I also have trazodone on hand, but last time I tried it for about a week and it made me very sick to my stomach. But I might just say f*** it and take it anyway to see if it helps
    Jun 2, 2023
    Damocles and tpj like this.
  7. tpj
    @PennyCat, are you still taking Zoloft? If so, I would be cautious about using these drugs together. Perhaps you could talk to your doctor about it first.
    Jun 2, 2023
    PennyCat and Damocles like this.
  8. RunningMan
    @sakrt That's true about dementia, even the over the counter ones, not sure about the newer DORA sleep meds. ADs can do the same. Of course, lack of sleep is associated with dementia also.
    Jun 2, 2023
    PennyCat likes this.
  9. PennyCat
    @tpj I am. An old psych prescribed it while I was on ADs in the past, and my new psych also mentioned prescribing it to me, but at the time I hesitated because of my past experience with it making me sick. So I’m pretty sure it’s safe to take on top of most ADs. But I’ll definitely bring it up at my next appointment
    Jun 2, 2023
    Damocles and tpj like this.