Comments on Profile Post by just1morething

  1. jeannie
    Hi just1morething.yes my crepitus is on my bad side of tinnitus,OK thank you.would be interesting to read.hope you are doing better.I went back to using my regular nite guard for clenching .instead of splint
    Jan 4, 2016
    just1morething likes this.
  2. just1morething
    I tried my advancer last night and my noise seems to be in both ears this morning. I still think it could be caused by compressed neck nerves or muscle spasms in the neck. Most people think it's inner ear damage but why does it change ears at times then?
    Jan 5, 2016
    jeannie likes this.
  3. jeannie
    Ya mine has completely gone to a zero before.and changes from head to ears.I'm thinking opptical neuralgia.?that's compressed nerves at base of skull.
    Jan 5, 2016
  4. just1morething
    My crepitus is on my left bad ear side also so there's a chance the noise could be from that interfering with some small ear muscles possibly. I notice my left ear doesn't crack when I swallow either today so could be ETD. Confusing!
    Jan 6, 2016
  5. jeannie
    Mine sometimes sounds like Morse code on top of buzzing.neck is always sore ,tight ,achy too...I could have gotten a cervical branch block but I'm to afraid too....
    Jan 6, 2016