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Great now I'm ill, and I can't take any meds and my symptoms are crazy Jun 15, 2024 at 3:29 PM

    1. Utdmad89
      Just shouting into the void.
    2. Utdmad89
      Why is there nothing that can be done. Just watching your life slip through your fingers is agony.
      1. gameover, kingsfan and Karolina like this.
      2. kingsfan
        Yep. I've lost pretty much everything. I'm still trying to get back on my feet but it seems insurmountable.
        May 3, 2024
        Juliane, RunningMan and gameover like this.
    3. Utdmad89
      At this point I don't see the point in carrying on. When you can't live a normal life.
    4. Utdmad89
      Not decades away when life will be basically over anyway, after years of agrophbia, OCD, then all this shit. When my kid is grow up.3
      1. L along the way and Sansa like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Utdmad89
        @RunningMan, you seriously need to grow up, my tinnitus hasn't got any worse. I have other issues that tbf your anxiety couldn't take. So I don't find everything as funny as you seem to, you know it all troll.
        May 5, 2024
      4. Utdmad89
        I never saw this post, it wasn't on here when I replied. I was talking about you posting the funny emoji on my posts to you on a different thread, then saw you liked my constant worsening post thinking you was trying to say something.
        May 5, 2024
      5. Utdmad89
        What I meant in the above post was when I only had T, not the Hyperacusis, Noxacusis and now VSS. T for me isn't my biggest problem anymore and I wish I was back to that state compared to now
        May 5, 2024
    5. Utdmad89
      How does that effect my vision? God I wish someone actually gave a shit. Someone who is working fast to get treatment out 2
      1. BB23
        I think out brains were predisposed for this shit.
        May 3, 2024
    6. Utdmad89
      Surly it can't be noise induced, if I've got VSS and that is worsening. How do I have T/H/N and VSS, from listening on headphones loudly 1
      1. BB23 likes this.
    7. Utdmad89
      Someone kill me please
      1. BB23 likes this.
      2. BB23
        God will grant this wish of yours someday. Hang in there...
        May 1, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
      3. Utdmad89
        Not quickly enough
        May 18, 2024
    8. Utdmad89
      I'm so sick of being in pain. I want to die. Why isn't assisted suicide available in this country
      1. Juliane likes this.
    9. Utdmad89
      And look after yourself, Go outside and do leisure activities, I'm very jealous. Fuck this world. Fuck my life. Need an easy way out
    10. Utdmad89
      How the fuck has it come to this. Shouting into he mist. What's the point. If you can go out, have audio without pain, work,
    11. Utdmad89
      Not that anyone gives a shit. Funny how everyone disappear. Life has been one long joke, how much is one person ment to deal with
      1. Juliane likes this.
    12. Utdmad89
      Just have to sit in silence. Soon won't be able to watch tele or game. It feels I'm literally being pushed into killing myself.
    13. Utdmad89
      Going untreated for years, or Diabetes, sod knows how long I've actually had that. Guess my health is truly fucked
    14. Utdmad89
      How is this all noise trauma?! It can't be surley If I'm getting visaul problems. Guess it was the drugs, and meds, or the sleep apnea
      1. gameover likes this.
    15. Utdmad89
      And I have started getting worse Visual symptoms, like watching tele or gaming it seems laggy or stutters, scaring the crap out of me
      1. gameover likes this.
    16. Utdmad89
      Can't manage my diabetes as the meds I've tried have made my ear symptoms worse. This is literally going to kill me
      1. gameover likes this.
    17. Utdmad89
      18 months ago my life was finally beginning, now I'm nearing the end. No job, no qualifications, shit past, no future. Just a useless pos
      1. BB23 and gameover like this.
    18. Utdmad89
      Looks like stuff for T is coming. But that isn't my only problem. What I'd give to go back to just T. Or even better before all of this
      1. gameover likes this.
    19. Utdmad89
      They haven't even begun to understand noxacusis. Hyperacusis there is some understanding but no funding.3
      1. gameover likes this.
    20. Utdmad89
      I hope my partner and son can forgive me. I don't have much longer. The no hope is a killer. Why can't somebody be doing something quicker 2
      1. gameover likes this.
    21. Utdmad89
      So sick of the pain. Having to be in silence with the T blaring. 100% I'm not going to make this. My life is pointless.1
      1. gameover likes this.
    22. Stayinghopeful
      Just checking in mate, hope you're doing a little better and watching some EPL/Championship.
      1. Utdmad89 likes this.
      2. Utdmad89
        Not really tbh. Feel like my life is over, just want to end it, but feel guilty leaving my Son. Can't take the isolation much longer. Thanks for asking
        Apr 29, 2024
    23. Utdmad89
      There truly is no expert. My Mrs thinks ill get back to 80/90% myself, but I know my days are numbered. No hope no help no future. 4
      1. Juliane, BB23 and gameover like this.
    24. Utdmad89
      He told me to play sports. Get jaw and neck massage and sort my OCD out with Meds lol I'm fcked 3
      1. BB23 and gameover like this.
      2. gameover
        They have no clue, don't they?
        Apr 25, 2024
        Utdmad89 likes this.
    25. Utdmad89
      Told me to see an osteopath for my neck and jaw as my T is Somatic. Also said get my OCD in check which would be the most difficult thing. 2
      1. BB23 and gameover like this.
    26. Utdmad89
      Dc Boedts said my cases is very treatable and said he thinks it's TTTS causing my issues. Said my OCD is playing a massive part 1
      1. BB23 and gameover like this.
    27. Utdmad89
      When is there going ti be something done. Everything is at a snails pace or none existent! Fuck these conditions. Life is utterly pointless
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Utdmad89
        Just maybe not on my fed though lol
        Apr 25, 2024
        tpj and ZFire like this.
      3. gameover
        Yes, variability is bit of game changer. One would have to measure the peaks of T intensity. I really wonder how would the objective measurement work - after all my T varies in both the spectrum of phantom sound (static/ringing/tonal) and the volume.
        Apr 26, 2024
        tpj and ZFire like this.
      4. gameover
        In theory the worse T the higher neuronal activity should register somewhere, but I am not 100% sure. It is truly a tough condition - neurological disfunction/degeneration/maladaptation however one wants to call it.
        Apr 26, 2024
        tpj and ZFire like this.
    28. Utdmad89
      18 months today, why is mine permanent. Why did I have to get H/N on top. What is the point in my life now
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. BrOKeN_1
        To overcome this new challenging condition and know you can endure very hard things. That's all I can think of anyways. As always I Root for better days for all my fellow T sufferers.
        Apr 23, 2024
    29. Utdmad89
      1. gameover, Juliane and BB23 like this.
    30. Utdmad89
      Looking for the easiest and surest way of ending it. Can't do it at home, I don't want my son to find me that way. I can't believe there is
      1. gameover and BB23 like this.
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    United Kingdom
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Not sure