Comments on Profile Post by JurgenG

  1. Casper
    My T is generally completely silent if I wake up during the night. Unfortunately, it always returns momentarily. It's interesting to note that I can't even hear the rain noise I use to mask during this time. I don't have a scientific explanation for this, but perhaps my brain has learned to push these sounds to the background while I'm asleep?
    Mar 28, 2017
    JurgenG likes this.
  2. JurgenG
    Hey Casper, how loud would you say your T generally is?
    Mar 28, 2017
  3. JurgenG
    Did you always have it dissapear btw? This is quiet new for me.
    Mar 28, 2017
  4. Casper
    It's fairly mild I'd say, I only really hear it in a quiet room. I'm more bothered by sound distortion from certain sounds. For example, I'll hear a dial-up modem-like tone over the kettle boiling or the engine of a car while driving.
    Mar 28, 2017
  5. Casper
    I'm not sure if the disappearing is a new thing or not, I've only noticed it recently. If the reason I wake up is because of a bad dream, then the T is usually there right away, though.
    Mar 28, 2017
    JurgenG likes this.
  6. JurgenG
    Same here!
    Mar 28, 2017
    Andrea Lopez and Casper like this.
  7. LukeYoung
    My T doesn't kick in for a bit after waking up..

    Or maybe I just don't notice because I'm tired... hmm
    Mar 28, 2017