Comments on Profile Post by Melike

  1. Paul10
    I feel you. I have plenty of noise apps and ACRM going at the minute; you can do it, just ride it out! God bless!
    Jun 21, 2017
  2. Melike
    Thanks ! Does ACRM work for you?
    Jun 21, 2017
  3. Paul10
    It works just to calm down one of my T noises; I play it in the background and it just seems to distract me and sometimes bring the T down for a bit by a few dozen percentage points. I just use, GeneralFuzz should be given some sort of medal for making that site!
    Jun 21, 2017
  4. Melike
    Yeah, I tried it. But I never did good at finding my exact pitch and mine fluctuates a lot in pitch also, so nothing there for me :/ But, I'm glad it helps you somehow.
    Jun 21, 2017
  5. Paul10
    Do you get residual inhibition? My T is being a moron right now also, one tone seems to have increased, which has brought back "the fear!" but I'm just keeping things in perspective. They do say changing tones is a positive, so fingers crossed!
    Jun 21, 2017
  6. Melike
    Yeah, a few times I got residual inhibition and I was scared to death. But that was right after I tried notched music therapy, I gues..Not sure and so tired of all of these !!
    Jun 21, 2017
  7. Melike
    The hardest thing is not being trapped in that fear and reminding yourself it is probably temporary. I know it is easier said than done. I'm here all the time if you want to talk. I don't have much to do since T took lots of things from me.
    Jun 21, 2017