Comments on Profile Post by Luman

  1. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    Have you been experiencing some improvement?
    Dec 14, 2017
    Carltonr likes this.
  2. just1morething
    I know what you mean. Static hiss is getting to me. Latest Dr. prescribed serax. Need some relief.
    Dec 14, 2017
  3. Luman
    Yes, Bill, thank you. I think that there's been some improvement, and/or I've been getting better at processing it.
    Jan 19, 2018
    Bill Bauer likes this.
  4. Luman
    The noise is never overwhelming these days, I do not avoid any activities such as listening to music or watching movies or whatever on TV, it never wakes me up, etc. Most of of the time I am not hearing, or thinking about, tinnitus., but when I do, it's no biggie I am convinced that CBT helped bring about a very thorough habituation, sooner than if I hadn't employed it.
    Dec 24, 2020