Comments on Profile Post by h-m-1994

  1. jjflyman
    Just give it time, and protect your ears from loud places like bars, movies,ect.....
    IMO you will be just fine, but don't be surprised if it takes a year or longer. T takes forever to fade. A one time exposure like you had is very unlikely to be permanent, unless you were exposed to shotgun blasts!
    Dec 29, 2017
    h-m-1994 likes this.
  2. h-m-1994
    Thanks for the advice, just so you know, I'm 23 years old. You'll happy to know that I have been doing all my uni work via referral, and have been using earplugs whenever I've gone out of the house. Chewing gum has also helped with the ears, in addition long walks and ambient nature sounds are also super relaxing for sleeping. My diet is filled with vegetables and fruit. I have stopped using headphones to help.
    Dec 29, 2017
    jjflyman likes this.
  3. jjflyman
    Yes, I would chew gum a lot too, it helped break up the T sound and would keep me calm. Sounds like you are doing great, and will be able to write your success story here soon. T is truly a life changing event.
    Dec 29, 2017
    h-m-1994 likes this.
  4. h-m-1994
    Doing that for half an hour helps to keep the time passing by, for certain. You might be interested to know that a few weeks ago when a family member went to do an errand, I woke up and it was completely silent for 4-ish hours. I will keep hope that one day I'll eventually regain my silence for good.
    Dec 29, 2017
    jjflyman likes this.