Comments on Profile Post by Holly1987

  1. Holly1987
    I need to wait a few months and if it doesn't drain will require a minor operation. Hoping it will drain naturally.
    May 3, 2018
    Autumnly likes this.
  2. Holly1987
    He said once the fluid drains hopefully the tinnitus will return to baseline.
    May 3, 2018
    New Guy likes this.
  3. Holly1987
    Feel really pissed off 6 weeks ago my Dr wouldn't give me a referral... I've had the worst few months. Knowing it was fluid would have helped my anxiety so much
    May 3, 2018
  4. Holly1987
    If you get a random spike don't let people tell you it's all part of tinnitus. Demand to see an ENT.
    May 3, 2018
    Autumnly likes this.