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Member, Male, from United Kingdom

Great now I'm ill, and I can't take any meds and my symptoms are crazy Jun 15, 2024 at 3:29 PM

    1. Utdmad89
      Absolutely sick of this. No one gives a shit. Nothing being reaserched, just ment to be ok with my life being over. Oh think positively! Ffs
      1. gameover, Juliane and BB23 like this.
      2. Juliane
        I am starting to organize my will. I have already given up on life
        Apr 28, 2024
    2. Utdmad89
      I can't do this, the isolation is killing me. The way H effects everything is horrible. There is no hope coming. So what is the actual point
      1. Juliane, BB23 and gameover like this.
      2. Heal82
        Hey man, spend $350 and buy the DNRS course. It helped @Marin and it will help you too! I bought it yesterday and I think it's going to be beneficial to you too
        Apr 21, 2024
      3. Heal82
        You need hope then this course will give you not just hope but a way to get better
        Apr 21, 2024
    3. Utdmad89
      18 months of this awful T on the 22nd. And today is 5 months of H and pain. God I want to die
      1. Juliane and gameover like this.
    4. Utdmad89
      On a one way trip, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Never been this low in my life, and I've been really low
      1. Juliane, Sansa and gameover like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Utdmad89
        I hate T with a passion but I could distract and still be around my family properly and started the motion of going back to work. But H is killing everything right now.
        Apr 19, 2024
      4. Utdmad89
        I honestly feel like I have a few months left at this rate. I'm constantly thinking about ending my life.
        Apr 19, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      5. L along the way
        L along the way
        Sorry to read this.. i also don't wish to live like this.. because even to just fall asleep at night became a problem. Luckily i don't have to do morning work shifts. I say to myself.. anything that promotes natural wellbeing is good.. it's been so harsh.. breathing.. trying to give it time.. i pray for a better tomorrow
        Apr 20, 2024
        Utdmad89 likes this.
    5. Utdmad89
      I don't see the point in continuing. I just feel worse and worse. Nothing is coming to help. Life is just slipping away. Might as well die.
      1. Juliane and gameover like this.
      2. Juliane
        I feel like you do
        Apr 28, 2024
    6. Utdmad89
      I want to die, I really can't be fucked with this anymore
      1. L along the way
        L along the way
        It's always strange to "like" such comments.. these are such harsh things, nothing to like about it. Of course, like, means i can relate.. just want this harshness to stop somehow.. and i get thoughts too all the time that i just want it to be over. Don't know what to say.. praying for some relief in time and just going day to day i guess..
        Apr 16, 2024
        Juliane, Utdmad89 and _Shoto_ like this.
    7. Utdmad89
      I just keep on realising that my life is over. And the suffering won't end till I end my life
      1. BB23 and _Shoto_ like this.
    8. Utdmad89
      And those with the other ear problems will probably kill themselves 7
    9. Utdmad89
      This is why there are levels. Those with Mild Moderate T will probably be okay in 18 months to 2 years. Those with it severe will struggle 6
    10. Utdmad89
      You also have severe T on top.5
    11. Utdmad89
      You can't cook. You get pain from using the shower. You even get pain in silence. 4
    12. Utdmad89
      Imagine you can't go out the house. Or look after yourself let alone your kid. You can't work.you can't have sound on the tv. (3)
    13. Utdmad89
      You are obviously suffering more than someone without H/N and milder T 2
    14. Utdmad89
      Someone said that whatever level your t we all suffer the same. That just isn't true. If you have hyperacusis/noxacusis AND severe T (1)
      1. Kiyomi and gameover like this.
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    United Kingdom
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