Really Scared MRI Scan Today

Discussion in 'Support' started by S.withnell, Jan 16, 2015.

    1. S.withnell

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi all, I'm really scared ive got to have a mri scan today and after hearing all the horror stories I really don't want to go through with it.

      I don't know what to do and I just don't want to end up with worst t because of it.

      What can I do ?
      Is it really bad ?
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. PhilB

      PhilB Member Benefactor

      Manchester, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      MRI scans are loud but you will be given hearing protection to wear. Also, they normally provide you with an emergency buzzer which you can press at any time if you feel the need to abort the scan. If they don't provide this, then you should insist upon it. So long as you know that there is something you can do to stop the procedure if the noise or claustrophobia becomes unbearable, then that should make it easier. I think you can also ask to be given some form of sedation beforehand if you are really worried about it.
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    3. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Oh I really don't want to be sedated that's even worst as I can't stop the procedure. But I just don't want it to damage my ears any more. I'm fine in small spaces but it's the noise that scares me.
    4. Mo_Mo

      Mo_Mo Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown, Started A Week After A Cold
      I had an mri 2 weeks ago
      They had their own noise reducing headphones which played the radio
      Moreover I also took an extra ear plugs with me which I used underneath the head phones they provide
      Also the technician was made aware about my H and he used to check on me every 10 minutes if I needed a break
      I did not get any T spike or worsening in H when I was done from the MRI
      To be honest it was actual better than an ABR test
      Just make sure you are relaxed and not stressed out and anxious since these could affect your T and H
    5. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I dont have any ear plugs if my own as this is all still new to me and I dint know where to get them or what's the best ones. So I'm scared because I don't want this to damage me any more than I am already.
    6. Paul201

      Paul201 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Those yellow foams ones from a pharmacy seem to work quite well and may be worth using under the headphones they give you, that's what I would do
    7. amandine

      amandine Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      july 2014
      Problem is knowing how to insert these ear plugs correctly. If you dont put them in correctly then you will not have sufficient hearing protection. Also you need to check with the hospital (perhaps the technician who does the MRI) what machine they are using so as to know exactly how many decibels it gives out (newer ones can be more quiet or less strength ones) plus how many dbs reduction their muffs provide.
      The MRI people will give you plugs as well but i stress that if they are not properly inserted will not give you the protection that you need. Personally I think at this stage that your MRI is today, perhaps you should not go through with it but delay the appt until you have all the info above plus know how to insert the plugs correctly. There is another alternative to these can go to an audiology shop and get some custom made for your ears which will then be easy to insert and will give you proper protection. This is however much more expensive. Hope this helps - I have been through the same problem as you and delayed my MRI till I had all of what I have written about.
      Just to add that when I did go for the MRI initially, and couldnt get the plugs in correctly. the hospital nurse told me to insert toilet roll which would have given me no protection but they didnt care, all they cared about was their timetable and not my ears, so I told them no and left without an MRI and re booked is your right to say no if you are not sure you are protected whilst taking the MRI
    8. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Well I got it done, wasn't too
      Long only 15mins and has ear plugs and these passes wedge tightly to my ears in the machine I could hardly hear any one talking . And I have pressure head ache from the pads so that is a good thing I guess . It wasn't too bad was loud but I've been on trains louder and they said this is the quickest machine there is so it was new and they could put the noise on a quieter mode for me so it just felt horrible with the vibrations. But I was so worked up I felt awful and still do it's my nerves but I just hope it's not hurt my ears any more
    9. Jesse Pinkman

      Jesse Pinkman Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Did they find anything out of the ordinary?
    10. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      No idea they wouldn't say and hVe to wait till I see the specialist again in three months :/ so maybe I don't know I have to wait
    11. RJC

      RJC Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Results should be available in a few days normally, best of luck and well done. Know how you feel about the mri
    12. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks rjc and I'm gunna wait till Monday and call my consultant and see if he can tell me , I have an appointment back with him in three month but that's genral one not for results so he might see me sooner.

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